The Bad Boy of Redemption Ranch - Maisey Yates Page 0,44

did the run and enjoyed the punishment, not taking in the scenery there either, just enjoying making her body hurt because it deserved to be in pain. When they got back to the station she showered in the women’s locker room—which only ever contained her—then changed into her uniform then went to her desk, which was relatively uncharacteristic of her. Normally, she went straight back out to patrol. But not today.

She took out all the files related to the theft cases and stared at them. And hoped that Emmett and West would be in soon. She sighed heavily, then called Carl. She explained the situation to him, how they had found the culprit, but that he was a young kid who was down on his luck.

“I would be willing to let him work off the damage,” the older man said.

“That’s really nice of you,” Pansy said. “And I’m grateful for that, because it’s what I would recommend for him. He’s not really a hardened criminal. He’s just a kid.”

Barbara, she knew, she’d have more trouble with.

“I’m expecting Emmett and his guardian soon if you want to come meet him and explain what you’re going to expect of him. I think that would be a good idea,” Pansy said.

She got off the phone with Carl, but hesitated in calling Barbara.

Finally, she did, and the other woman made no such offers of allowing restitution of any kind that came from anything but the kid being punished to the fullest extent of the law.

“I’d like you to come down to the station.”


“I have your wallet. And hopefully I’ll have most of the money as well.”

“Then I’ll be there.”

She hung up and Pansy sat impatiently at the desk, drumming her fingers on the top of it. Finally, the door opened, and her heart zipped up into her throat.

It was West, tall and broad, coming through the door with a sullen looking Emmett behind him. She was thankful for the distraction of Emmett and for the safety of her desk, and the police station in general. Otherwise she would have died of a combination of embarrassment and heat stroke remembering their kiss.

As it was, she found she could temporarily put her focus on other things. She could tell the two of them were brothers, even though Emmett was a few inches shorter than West. She had a feeling that he would grow into those lanky limbs and large feet, that he would end up looking a whole lot more like West than not. But for now, he was like a puppy, loping along, not even realizing all that he hadn’t grown into yet.

She imagined that he saw himself about the same as West, who had broad shoulders and a deep chest and the lines that evidenced the years he’d lived on his face, evidence that he’d lived the sort of years that made a man interesting.

West gestured toward her desk and Emmett shoved his hands into the pockets of his red sweatshirt and slumped down into the chair across from her.

“Do you have the money that you took from Barbara’s wallet?” she asked, keeping her voice measured.

He nodded, and pulled his hand out of his pocket, producing three hundreds and a collection of twenties. He had about $365, most of what he had taken. She still had a feeling Barbara was going to make an issue out of all of it.

“Carl Jacobson is going to be in soon, and he’s going to talk to you about how you might be able to make it up to him. He’s not interested in pressing charges, but he does want you to do some work for him.”

She found herself looking up at West to check his facial expression. It was neutral.

She looked back at Emmett, who nodded. “Okay.”

“I don’t know what Barbara’s going to say. I’m just going to warn you now, she’s a tough customer, and she’s not going to feel sorry for you.”

Emmett tilted his chin up, his lips turned down into a frown. “I don’t want anyone to feel sorry for me.”

“Well, maybe you should. Because it would probably help you out in this situation if you would play up the fact that you’re a little bit pitiful.”

He scowled. “I’m not pitiful.”

She glanced back at West, who was deliberately looking away from his brother, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.

“I’m glad that you came this morning,” she said. “Because this is what I would like to do. I would like to Copyright 2016 - 2024