A Bad Boy is Good to Find - By Jennifer Lewis Page 0,85

pushed past Dino toward Con. “You did great.” She stepped over a lighting cable just as someone swished it from between her legs.

“It feels weird to have people know so much about me.” He looked rather dazed.

“Weird but good, though, right?” She squeezed his upper arm.

“Let’s go outside.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her to the back door.

With a burst of excitement she followed him out into the darkened garden. The screech of tree frogs filled her ears and grass pricked her toes through her sandals as he pulled her off the slate patio out onto the lawn.

“Where are we going? I can’t see a thing!”

She swatted at mosquitoes she could hear but not see. A firefly glow in front of her face made her gasp.

Con’s gripped her hand tightly and sped into a run as they plunged deeper into the muggy blackness. He untucked his shirt with his other hand, and she smelled the raw tang of his sweat.

“You stink!” She laughed.

“No kidding!”

Lizzie stumbled over her sandal and he steadied her, then drew her in for a quick, hard kiss on the mouth that made her belly quiver.

Breathless, not knowing whether to gasp or laugh, Lizzie did both. Con unbuttoned his shirt and stripped it off, then unbuckled his belt.

“What are you doing?”

“Going in for a swim. Get undressed.”

“What?” She glanced to her right and saw the sinuous movement of reflected moonlight on the black surface of the bayou.

“In there?”

“Where else?” Con kicked off his shoes and shucked off his pants. Moonlight glazed his face and shoulders as he grabbed her around the waist and kissed her again. She felt his erection hard against her belly, through her thin shirt.

“Get undressed,” he growled, tugging at the waistband of her shorts. Suddenly he pushed up her shirt and closed his mouth over her bra-covered nipple with force, lashing it with his tongue through the satin fabric as his hands settled on her waist.

She gripped his hair with her hands, explosive laughter and fierce arousal surging inside her. Con’s tongue on her breasts was driving her half wild.

But not wild enough to get into a muddy black river slithering with all kinds of creepy creatures.

“There’s no way I’m going in there!” she rasped, hardly able to catch her breath.

“Oh, yeah?” In one deft movement he swept her off her feet—which didn’t feel nearly as romantic as it sounded—and slung her against his hard chest.

“There could be alligators, snakes, anything!”

Con chuckled. He swiped a bite at her neck, grazing it with his teeth. “Snap snap.”

“Con, please, agggghhhhh!” she screamed as he charged right into the bayou with her held firm in his arms. Water splashed her face and closed over her legs as she clung to him, shrieking.

“Shhh, they’ll think I’m drowning you.” Con’s hot dark voice and the warm dark water swirled around her. “Feels good, huh?”

“It is cooler than the air.” She tried to sound calm. Her arms were around his neck in a noose hold. “Don’t put me down. I don’t want my feet on the bottom.”

“No prob. I’ll just hold you. I’m enjoying the view.”

She glanced down at her chest where her shirt was bunched up to reveal breasts lifted and separated by her now totally transparent bra.

“My clothes are all wet.”

“You’re a keen observer.” The low vibration of his voice shivered into her ear. “Now all we need to do is get ’em off.”

“No way, what if someone—” She shrieked as her shorts and panties slid down her legs with one silky movement of his hand under the water. She reached out to grab them as they floated, separately, to the surface a couple of feet away.

“Con, they’re drifting. They’ll get lost!” She kicked against him, splashing.

“They’ll give someone downriver a nice surprise.” His gator grin gleamed in the moonlight. She gasped as her bra came unhooked. “You’ll have to loosen your arms so I can get it off.”

“No way!”

He focused on the little buttons of her blouse, undoing them in the darkness with skill. “Come on, wrap your legs around me, like this.” He maneuvered her thighs into position around his hips, so his erection teased her bare crotch. Moonlight glazed his striking features and the smile playing across his sensual mouth. “You look like a river goddess with your hair trailing out behind you.” He kissed her lips with gentle intensity that stole her breath and made her heart throb. Suddenly her top and bra were floating away on the quicksilver surface of the

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