A Bad Boy is Good to Find - By Jennifer Lewis Page 0,26

he do that?

He lowered his head, and his mouth closed over hers. His hands settled on her waist, and the pressure of his fingertips increased as he slid them up the vertebrae of her spine. His tongue played over her lips, sparking an irritating shimmer of sensation. He kissed just hard enough that she had to push back. Then his tongue parted her lips and touched hers with a tiny frisson like an electric shock..

She wasn’t sure exactly when her eyes slid closed, or when her fingers moved up into his hair, or exactly when her nipples started to demand the touch of his fingers—and get it.

Or when she leaned in to rub against him, deepening their kiss with her tongue. Or when she began to run her fingertips up and down his back, feeling the ridges of hard muscle under his starched shirt.

But it was a low moan from some undiscovered range in her vocal cords that snapped her back to her senses.

She jerked away, panting. Con stood looking at her. Narrowed eyes shining. Lips soft, still moist.

Her hand flew to her mouth and she stepped backward, trying to gather her thoughts.

She tugged her hands behind her back, the traitors! Wound her fingers together to hold them there. Who knew what they’d do next? How the hell had that just happened?

She tossed her hair and took a deep breath.

“See?” Her voice sounded odd. “I told you I could do it.” Her breasts tingled.

The merest hint of a smile tugged at the corner of Con’s mouth. He looked cool as an iced martini. Not in the slightest bit bothered or flustered or… Bastard.

“Very nice. I think you’ll be able to fool them.” He hadn’t moved an inch. “And I admit, I’m rather looking forward to it now.”

“Don’t get excited. Nothing’s going to happen except for the cameras.” She unknotted her hands and tugged at the hem of her skimpy top. Wished her peaked nipples didn’t show through it.

“You’ll have to fool the crew too. And cousin Maisie.”

“Piece of cake. With a professional con man at my side, how can I fail?”

Con’s jaw stiffened. “Don’t you think we should try to be nice to each other?”

“Why? We’re doing this for the money. Once we have it we’ll both be back on our feet and we can go our separate ways.” She turned away and went into the bathroom for a glass of water. His annoying spicy taste lingered on her tongue.

She gargled noisily and spat hard. “Can’t be too careful about germs. You’d better start packing. I asked them to book me a flight to New York for tonight so we can meet and discuss details tomorrow.

“A flight? What about my car?” Con stopped tucking his shirt in and stared at her.

“Don’t worry, I didn’t forget about your precious car. You can drive back while I handle the meetings. The location needs to be settled before the shooting can start, so that gives you until next week.”

“How do I know you won’t start drinking once you leave?” He frowned at her.

“I swear on the pieces of my broken heart.” She pressed a hand to her chest. “I want this to work so I can get myself together again.”

“Okay.” He kept his eyes on her for a moment, as if trying to decide whether he believed her, then he smoothed the front of his shirt and examined his cuffs. “So where are they thinking of sending us?”

“Let me see, they sent me a preliminary list.” She marched to the table and rifled though all the papers she’d printed out from the hotel’s guest computer. “Here we are. Hmm. There’s three in the Caribbean: some new place in Anguilla, a Sandals Resort in Negril, Jamaica, and the Atlantis hotel in the Bahamas.”

“Cool!” Con grinned.

“Cool? Are you kidding? It’s probably over a hundred degrees in any of those places in September. And I wouldn’t be caught dead at Atlantis.”

“I saw an ad for it. You can swim with sharks.”

“Been doing that all my life, thanks. At least the human kind can’t rip into your flesh with their teeth. Luckily there were some other options. A cruise to Alaska…”


“Stop interrupting. A golf resort in Virginia horse country, an inn on the coast of Maine, and a trendy bed-and-breakfast in the Napa Valley. I think the last one gets my vote. At least it won’t be too sweaty there at this time of year.”

“Come on, you can go to California any time. Can’t we go abroad?

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