A Bad Boy is Good to Find - By Jennifer Lewis Page 0,105

don’t you knock on the door and pretend to be the maid,” said Danny, opening a shiny silver laptop. “I’ll just stay here and catch up on some record keeping. Then we’ll all go to dinner.”

“Confident, aren’t you?”

“You’re my brother. And from what I saw last night, you can charm a snake right out of its skin.”

“No more pretending and no more charm. I’m on the straight and narrow, little brother. Nothing but the pure, unvarnished truth from now on.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Danny bumped his fist against Con’s. “Just don’t forget to tell her you love her.”

Room fourteen, he’d been told when he called saying he was her new employer and needed to verify her address. Fourteen was one of a row of drab blue doors in a gray stucco wall.

He knocked. No answer. The next step was A) to start banging and begging and making a scene until either she opened the door or the police showed up, or B) to just break in. Option B was more classy, he decided.

He whipped his driver’s license out of his wallet and slid it down over the lock. Irritation rippled through him at how easily it opened.

As he pushed in the door Lizzie sat bolt upright in the double bed, the blue cover clutched around her and her glorious hair streaming out in all directions.

Joy roared through him.

“You!” she hissed. “Get out.”

“You need to take your safety more seriously and stay in a place with decent locks.” He couldn’t stop the grin ripping across his face. Damn, it was a huge relief to see her after a whole day of worry.

“I said, get out.” Her beautiful brown eyes narrowed.

“I’ve got some explaining to do. I know you think I was trying to cut you out of the show by making a deal with Maisie and I’m sorry about that, but the real reason I did it was—”

She sprang forward so fast she almost knocked him off his feet, hair flying and eyes flashing. “Go away! I hate you!”

Her fists bounced off his shoulders and he grabbed them with ease. No one ever taught this poor girl how to fight. Heat flared at the feel of her skin on his.

“Will you listen to me a second?”

“No, I’ve heard enough of your lies!” She wriggled and struggled, kicking at him with her bare feet. Her lithe, lush body bumped against him in a way that did embarrassing things to his libido.

“Lizzie, I love you.” Her breasts smooshed deliciously against his chest as he drew her close.

Her gaze met his for one stunning second. “No, you don’t.”

“I do. I was telling the honest truth when I said you’re the best thing that ever happened to me.” He tightened his arms around her, holding her steady. The almond scent of her hair and the musky warmth of her skin threatened to steal his thoughts. “Just lying with my arms around you makes me the happiest man alive—”

She struggled a bit but he held her tight..

“You make me feel loved, cherished—safe—something I’ve never felt before in my whole life. I grew up lying to save my ass, figuring out which hustle would get me through another day, but you wouldn’t let me sweet-talk my way through life and you dragged me back here to face something I couldn’t face on my own. Whether you know it or not, I believe you did it for my own good.”

He felt her sharp intake of breath. “I just wanted to make a fool of you.” Her words were cold, but her breath, warm on his neck, made him tighten his arms around her.

“I’ve been a fool, but I’m not one any more.” He’d never had such a powerful urge to spill his guts. “I do love you, Lizzie. I love your sharp mind and your sharp tongue. I love that you’re a strong woman, passionate and demanding. I love that you’re an artist.” He squeezed her. “I want to share my life with you, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer—”

She’d looked startled during most of his declaration, barely breathing, in fact, something that made hope swell inside him. But as he started reciting the marriage vows he hoped they’d share her lips drew together and he could feel her hardening against him. She lifted her eyes to his with a hollow look that made his words catch in his throat.

“I’m not dumb enough to think you’re really here because you love me. Not any more.”

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