Back Where She Belongs - By Dawn Atkins Page 0,57

For the first time, he imagined how difficult this would be for her. He’d always thought she made too much of her name and people’s opinions of her.

Now, with what she was going through—losing her father, her sister so ill, her theories about the accident—this much scrutiny and speculation would be a trial.

He saw her hesitate, take in the room, almost shudder. Then she threw back her shoulders and strode forward, sexy and confident. A girl at the bar called to her, so she stopped to talk for a few seconds. A few feet farther and someone in a booth spoke. After that a girl he remembered from high school stopped Tara in the aisle for a hug, some words, a laugh.

When Tara finally dropped into the booth, her back to the restaurant, she looked worn out. “Sanctuary,” she said in a drawn-out voice.

“I see what you mean,” he said.

“It’s exhausting. Even my old friends make me crazy. They treat me like a wax figure in a museum, frozen in time. They got married, had kids, have mortgages, but they talk to me like I haven’t changed at all. Dana Gibbons wants to tear up the town one night. Riley Evans is sorry he can’t hook me up with weed now that he’s a teacher. Reed Walker said he’d dust off the Harley and hit the highway the minute his wife leaves to visit her sister. Can you believe that? He’s ready to cheat on his wife for old times’ sake.” She shook her head. “Do I look like I want a drunken bender or a ride on a Harley to you?”


“Good. I’d like to think I’ve grown up that much.”

“It’s that imprint thing again, I guess.”

“Well, it sucks.” She took a shaky breath. “People are staring, aren’t they?” They were. “I hate being in this goldfish bowl.”

He realized that this dinner would add to the rumor they were back together. Fallon had no doubt spread the word.

“We could leave. Go to my house,” he said, though he didn’t trust himself alone with her again. Since last night, his desire had only intensified, as foolish and shortsighted as that was.

“No. I won’t be chased out.” She sat taller. “Just ignore them.”

“You got it.” That had always been his approach when the scrutiny got to be too much for him. It was easier for him because he was comfortable here. He knew the people, their flaws and strengths. He didn’t see every look as a criticism the way Tara did.

The waitress arrived with chips and salsa to take their orders. Tara picked up the menu, scanned it, then looked up at the waitress. “So I hear Ruthie Rand makes great goat and nopalitos empanadas. I’ll have that and a draft beer.”

Dylan ordered the same. When the waitress left, he said, “Where’d you hear about the empanadas?”

“Ruthie’s mom, Judith, is our housekeeper. Judith told me Ruthie had an offer to cook for a food truck in Tucson, but she’s afraid to leave here. I figure I’ll rave about the dish and hope that encourages her.”

That reminded him she’d been that way in high school, too. Pushing kids with talents to go for it. “Remember Sheila Stark? Goth girl who got suspended for fighting a cheerleader?”

“Sure I remember her. She had a great voice.”

“She took your advice and started a band. Might have an offer with an indie label.”

“How do you know that?”

“Her sister Cherry’s our receptionist.”

“Good for her. Growing up here, it’s easy to feel inferior. You have no real yardstick to measure your talent.”

“I’d say growing up here gave her a safe place to explore her abilities, develop the confidence to take risks.”

“So besides being town manager, you’re head of the Chamber of Commerce?”

“I’m a member, sure, but my point is that everything you disdain about small-town life has a positive side.”

“Yeah?” She grinned at him, ready to mock, except he thought he saw a light in her eyes, too. “So I say it’s stifling and full of gossips and you say...”

“It’s cozy and friendly.” He wouldn’t admit his dislike for the gossip because he knew she would pounce on any sign that he’d been wrong to stay, that he’d settled for less by remaining in Wharton.

He knew she was just as guarded with him.

“We’ll have to agree to disagree,” she said flatly, the light gone from her eyes. She would not bend on this. Probably not even about the bigger, better Wharton he wanted to build. That was unexpectedly disappointing Copyright 2016 - 2024