Back To Us (Dare With Me #4) - J.H. Croix Page 0,44

over my shoulder. “She’s coming,” he called in return.

He startled me again by bending low and palming my cheek as he gave me a quick and fierce kiss. The sweet shock of his lips meeting mine sent sparks scattering through me. When he lifted his head, I heard Tom’s wry chuckle from behind us. “No wonder you’re taking so long.”

My cheeks burned hot as I turned away. Gabriel caught my hand and gave it a quick squeeze. “Tonight then.” His words felt like a promise. I knew he could keep that promise. I just didn’t know about the rest.

Tom was quiet as I lifted the plane into the air. A light gust of wind caught under one wing, and I leveled the plane in response. I’d known Tom since I’d been flying. He was a regular passenger with us.

This route, from Diamond Creek across the bay where we puddle-jumped from one community to the next, gave me plenty of experience with landing in dicey conditions. Alaska was famed for its bush pilots and the risks we took.

I loved my job. The concentration necessary to fly combined with the otherworldly views gave me a sense of peace I craved.

Tom slipped on the headset I’d handed him. I switched the channel to a private one so we could chat. “How’ve you been?” I began.

“As well as could be expected, but I’m having some trouble with my diabetes. That’s why I’m going to the doctor today.”

“Sorry to hear that. How’s Darla?” I asked, referring to his wife, who was an absolute dear.

“She keeps me in line, that’s for sure,” he said, a low laugh rustling in his throat. “I’ve been wondering when you and your boy were going to prove me right.”

I felt the heat creep up my cheeks, but I kept my eyes forward. “What do you mean?”

“I suspected you two had something going on for this past year or so.”

“You did? It’s not like I see you all that often,” I teased.

“Nah, I’ve seen you two just enough to watch him. You didn’t give it away, girl. It’s always the man. We’re stupid sometimes.”

“You think so?”

“I know so. He’s running from something though.”

I wanted to ask Tom what he meant, but I suspected I already knew. I had only a sketch of Gabriel’s childhood history, but it was scarred by his mother’s abandonment. He didn’t even like to talk about her.

“He loves you, though,” Tom added, startling me so much I jumped in my seat and twisted to look at him.

His warm brown eyes regarded me, the laugh lines permanently etched into his weathered face. “I might not know much, but I know love when I see it. I knew that before I ever saw him kiss you.”

My face was on fire by this point, and I forced myself to look away, mumbling, “I don’t know how you can say that.”

“Don’t get in your own way. I’m an expert on that.”

“You are?”

“Hell, yeah. Just ask Darla sometime. I loved that girl back in high school, and I almost screwed it all up because I thought we were too young. Thank God she took me back five years later.”

I smiled over at him. “Guess you figured it out before it was too late then. How did you get in your own way? Age can’t be the only excuse.”

Tom shrugged. “Age was my excuse at the time, but my problem was my parents had a shitty marriage. Nothing complicated about it at all. I’m the product of them being too stupid to use birth control. Back then, people got married when that shit happened. My parents never really liked each other. It was just stupid. Not even awful. That old saying, death by a thousand cuts. I didn’t have any grasp on what a good relationship looked like, so it kind of scared the shit out of me to have somebody really matter to me. You know?” Wordlessly, I nodded, and he continued. “Things do work out when they do. You get it when you get it. I suppose I had to break up with Darla to figure out nobody else compared. I’m just damn lucky she didn’t fall for somebody else in the meantime. In your twenties, five years is a freaking lifetime.”

I grinned. “I’m only twenty-five.”

“You’re a lot more mature than I was at that age. Although, I did have enough sense to snap Darla up by then.”

I burst out laughing. “Always good to talk to you, Tom,” I managed when Copyright 2016 - 2024