Back-Tracker - Bob Blink Page 0,137

direction, finding another bedroom. They made sure the blinds were drawn so that light wouldn’t show, then closed the door and turned on the special flashlight they had brought. Fortunately the room was on the opposite side of the house from the guest house, further reducing the chance someone would spot the small amount of light that might leak out.

Installation of the device went smoother than they had any right to expect. Jake placed the drop of adhesive and then carefully pressed the device into place. He had Laney check his installation, then carefully put the computer back together. He made no attempt to start it and check to see if it still functioned normally. They had specifically been cautioned against such an act. There could well be software that would warn Khabir that his computer had been activated in his absence, or software that would purge the system if an appropriate password weren’t provided in time.

Now the problem was to get it back in place and get out of here.

There would be no more calls to help them. Jake had warned Laney that Khabir and his girlfriend would be enthusiastically engaged in their lovemaking, and they would have to slip in unnoticed while this was taking place. Fortunately they were noisy as well as enthusiastic, and the return was accomplished without incident. Then they made their way back to the stairs, waiting until Jake signaled it was time. He’d been caught twice trying to make that move the last time, and had to wait until the lower level sentries had completed their routine. Once outside they zigged and hid once again, and then finally were able to make their way to the street and back to the waiting car.

“How soon will we know?” Laney asked once they were able to converse normally.

“Khabir will be on it in the morning,” Jake said. “Then we’ll know if we pulled this off again.”

Their task complete, they started the long drive back to Washington. Jake had driven down, so Laney did the honors for the drive back. That left Jake to sit and think.

“Are you okay?” Laney asked, looking at Jake. “You’ve been awfully quiet.”

Jake glanced back at his friend. “Yeah, I guess so.”

“I’d have thought you’d be exhilarated. We did it.”

“Actually I’m tired. And a little stressed. What we just did offered a bit of a challenge, but this whole event has been a draining experience. This is so unlike what I’m used to. Normally when I back-track, it’s for a relatively short period of time. Also, then I’m focused on trying to make a change. This event has stretched for days, and the goal has been to try and keep things the same as last time, while working around the fact I know what is going to happen, and that I can’t back-track. Frankly, I haven’t enjoyed it at all. I’m glad it’s virtually over now. Breaking into Graper’s the other day was the only aspect of this loop that has offered any relief. It was stressful in a unique way because we had to be careful not to trigger anything that would have required a back-track, but it was the only thing I’ve done in weeks that I didn’t already know how it was to turn out.”

“The last time when you, Carlson and I worked this together, we didn’t know what was going to happen. Each small accomplishment, each fact we learned, provided a small sense of triumph. This time I know you and she feel I’m holding back too much, while I’m afraid I’m letting things be known too quickly. I know that our relative perspectives on this mission will be different than they were last time around, and worry that might in some way be significant going forward. At least it’s almost finished.”

“We’re nearly done?” Laney asked, focusing on the immediate issue, not really relating to the deeper issue that Jake had been struggling with.

“Now we have only to react to what we’ll learn from the computer. It won’t be long.”

Laney was silent for a moment, then he said something that revealed he understood more than Jake had thought.

“How will you deal with six months with your family, knowing what is coming?”

Jake smiled wanly. “Karin knows I’ll know. That will help. I can also watch Janna grow up again, this time able to focus on the experience without being worried about the difficult times when she is sick or upset, knowing it will work out. It’ll be almost Copyright 2016 - 2024