The Bachelor Earl - Darcy Burke Page 0,6

you being an excellent dancer.”

Her gorgeous gray eyes sparked with surprise as her delicate sable brows pitched into a slight V. “We danced together?”

“Sadly, we did not,” he said as the last of the gentlemen came into the drawing room.

She narrowed her eyes briefly. “Then how do you know I’m a good dancer?”

“You were quite the toast of your first Season. As a young buck, I was aware of all the marriageable ladies.” That wasn’t true at all—he’d paid attention to none but her.

A faint blush stained her cheeks, and she glanced away. “That was some time ago. I’m surprised you remember.”

“Will you stay and dance?” he asked. “I understand this party isn’t quite what you expected, but surely you’d enjoy dancing.”

“I don’t know.” Everything about her tone and her demeanor, particularly the slight dip in her shoulders, screamed hesitation. “I’m not here to make a match.”

“Even if you were, who’s to say you’d find one?” He smiled. “What I mean is that there are no requirements, no guarantees. If you want to simply dance, then just dance.”

“You don’t think someone might expect…?” She didn’t say what, but Edmund could guess.

“I think if someone propositions you—for anything—you should honestly tell them you aren’t interested. And if someone persists, I hope you’ll tell me so I can make sure they stop.”

One of her brows arched. “You’re offering to protect me from unwanted advances?”

“I am. Should the need arise, I would consider it my honor to intervene on your behalf.”

A smile teased her lips, and Edmund’s heart stalled for a moment. “That’s rather scandalous on its own. But then this entire party is incredibly scandalous.”

Edmund made a noise in his throat. He found Society and its rules so tiresome. “It shouldn’t be. Everyone here is an adult with the intelligence and ability to make their own decisions. There are no never-before married ladies who need worry about being ruined.”

“There are, however, never-before married men,” she said sardonically. “What will be done to guard their reputations?” She rolled her eyes.

Edmund laughed. “That includes me. Perhaps I could count on you to protect me as well.”

“What should I do, give them the cut direct? Call them out?” She shook her head. “You could have an assignation with every woman in this house, and no one would care. Well, they might care, but your reputation wouldn’t suffer. Indeed, it might actually be celebrated.”

He grimaced. “Not at all fair, is it?”


“Which is why this party is just a little brilliant, isn’t it?” he asked in a hushed tone. He glanced around the room at the men and women gathered. “No one’s reputation is at stake.”

“So easy for you to say,” she said. “A woman must always be on her guard, even at a party where she is expected to misbehave.”

He blinked at her, straightening. “Is it misbehavior? I don’t view it that way.”

“Knowing you were a student of my husband, I can assume you are rather forward in your thinking—but you are an anomaly among your sex, wouldn’t you agree?” She stared at him expectantly, and once again, he was struck by the depth and beauty of her gaze.

Unfortunately, he would. “I do believe that most, if not all, the gentlemen here are of a similar mind.”

“I should hope so. Otherwise, none of our reputations—those of the ladies, of course—are safe.” She was disappointingly correct. “I’ll dance with you,” she whispered.

Edmund’s blood rushed as he snapped his gaze to hers. “I am honored.”

“Attention, if you please,” Lord Cosford called out. “Lady Cosford has an announcement.” He gestured to his wife, who stood beside him.

Lady Cosford smiled up at him in appreciation before addressing the room at large. “Before we begin the dancing, I wanted to share that tomorrow after breakfast, we will have a display of talents. If you have a particular talent you’d like to perform, please see me this evening. I am sorry the weather will keep us indoors, but this will be most diverting.”

“Oh dear,” the dowager duchess said, drawing Edmund’s attention.

He pivoted toward her. “Is something amiss?”

“I believe my cousin will want me to perform something on the pianoforte, but I haven’t played in some time.”

“I’m sure she won’t press you.” Edmund wasn’t sure at all—the woman had invited her very own cousin to this party without divulging the entire truth. “And if she does, remember that I am here to protect you.”

The dowager duchess laughed. The rich sound made Edmund wish he could stay in this moment forever. “How will you Copyright 2016 - 2024