The Bachelor Earl - Darcy Burke Page 0,37

his eyes narrowing seductively. “Which part?”

“I had to warm you up, if memory serves. It was a terrible sacrifice.”

Laughing, he set the paper down. “You didn’t seem to mind at the time. Until your maid arrived to announce dinner. That was a trifle awkward.”

“She understood. She’s still with me, after all.”

“That she is.”

It wasn’t entirely related, but thinking of her maid provoked an idea. “I wondered if I should hire a companion this Season.”

Edmund had picked up the paper again, but he didn’t read it. His dark eyes fixed on her, one brow arching. “Why would you need a companion when you have me?”

“You detest shopping.”

“More than anything.” He shuddered. “You shop with your friends.”

“Yes, but wouldn’t it be nice if I hired a young woman, someone whom I could help find her place in the world?”

Edmund set the paper down and stood. He circled the table and took her hand, turning her in the chair so she could face him while he knelt before her. “My dearest love, if you want to hire a brood of young women, you have my full support. Mothering and caring come naturally to you.”

Over the years, they’d discussed adopting a child or two, but they never had. At first, they’d been enthralled with each other. Then they’d had young family members come to stay—Cecilia’s children and Edmund’s presumptive heir so he could learn about the estate he would one day inherit.

It never bothered Edmund that he didn’t have a son of his own, a fact Genie couldn’t entirely understand but for which she was grateful. They’d made a good life and had a wonderfully happy marriage.

“You don’t mind?” she asked, referring to the companion she wanted to hire.

“I don’t. But,” he hesitated briefly before continuing, “if there is something lacking—with our marriage—you’d tell me, wouldn’t you?”

She brushed her palm along his jaw, her thumb stroking his cheek. “Of course I would. There is absolutely nothing lacking in our marriage. I am full to the brim—with happiness, contentment, and love.” She leaned forward and kissed him.

“Your mentioning the night in Lancaster has quite distracted my brain, and now I’m consumed with thoughts of how I might fill you in a more…physical way.” He stood and pulled her up from the chair.

Genie laughed deep in her throat. “We just got out of bed a short while ago.”

“So?” He put his arms around her and trailed his lips along her throat. She cast her head back to give him more access. “When has that ever stopped us?”

“Never.” She clasped his nape and brought his mouth to hers, kissing him wildly.

He pulled back. “Hmm, I do have an appointment soon. Perhaps we should wait.”

She dug her fingers into his head. “Edmund, if you leave me now, I will never forgive you. We’ll be quick.” She flashed him a brazen smile, then tugged him back into their bedchamber. “Just toss up my skirts, and we’ll be on our way.”

He tugged her back against him as they crossed the threshold. “Have I told you lately how grateful I am to your cousin for inviting you to that house party?”

“It’s been some time, but since you send her a gift every year on the anniversary of the occasion, your point has been well made.”

“So long as you understand just how much I love you.”

She put her mouth near his and whispered, “No more than I love you.”

Want to find out what happens when Titus goes to his stepmother’s ball and why he’s been a recluse? Read THE FORBIDDEN DUKE!

Read on for a collection of additional scenes and stories featuring your favorite characters from The Untouchables set during the holidays!

The Forbidden Duke Yuletide Epilogue

Haven’t read The Forbidden Duke yet? Grab your copy today and discover how Titus and Nora met and fell in love!

Yuletide 1811

Lakemoor, Lake District, England

“I’m so pleased the weather cooperated with us,” Lady Satterfield remarked as she gazed out the window at the clear blue sky. It had rained so much of late, so this was a welcome change. Particularly today.

Eleanor St. John, Duchess of Kendal, flicked a glance toward her mother-in-law before turning from the window. “Yes, I’m so relieved. I’d hate to have to postpone today’s activities.”

Lady Satterfield pivoted with her. “You’re certain Titus has no idea?”

A smile crept over Nora’s lips as anticipation welled in her chest. “If he does, he’s excellent at concealing it. He specifically said he was looking forward to a cozy day inside. Since the baby started kicking, he enjoys trying Copyright 2016 - 2024