Baby Got Bear - Milly Taiden Page 0,31

make the bad guys mad. Now, stop talking about yourself in third person. It makes us sound crazy.

“Hell, no!” came Cue Ball’s muddled reply from the other side of the room.

Looking that way, Lucy saw the female taking care of him had stopped the bleeding by stuffing pieces of the ripped sheet up his nose. She wanted to burst out laughing, but Scar’s steely grip on her arm tightened to the point of pain when he saw her smirk as Cue Ball kept right on griping. “I hope you starve to death.”

Standing, he gave her a jagged grimace around his swollen nose and split lip, the ragged edges of the pieces of sheet hanging out his nostrils flapping with every word he muttered. “Or Terrance beats the shit out of you when he fucks you like the whore you are, in front of the whole pack.”

Hiding her shock behind another sarcastic comment, Lucy snorted. “Not likely. I hear he hasn’t got the right stuff.” Lifting her pinky finger, she wiggled it up and down, before shrugging. “Poor little guy, can’t rise to the occasion. He’s limp on the upstart.”

The fingers around her arm grew ever tighter. She could feel the bruises rising under her skin, but it was all worth it. She hoped they repeated every word to Terrance. Her Luna wolf issued a threatening growl and pushed against the confines of Lucy’s mind. The she-wolf was spoiling for a fight, and the asshole responsible for their incarceration was the one she wanted.

Growling low in his throat, the muddy brown fur of his wolf poking through the back of his hand, Scar gave Lucy a rough shove. The whole room erupted in laughter as she lost her balance and fell onto her knees, the rough edges of the tile cutting into her palms. The female who’d patched up Cue Ball pulled Lucy to her feet and glared at the others.

“Terrance also said no blood.” She stepped up to Scar. “No fucking blood, asshole, and what did you do? You made our alpha’s mate bleed. Who’s the dickhead now? Looks like you’ll be paying for your own fuck-up this time. Hope you can heal after the last beating.”

The male closed the scant distance between them with a menacing growl. “Fuck off, Amanda,” he spat, shoving past her and storming out of the room.

“Grab her other arm.” Amanda ordered the young male who looked scared out of his wits. “Hold her tight, but not so tight that you leave marks.”

Hesitantly moving forward, the young male’s whiskey-colored eyes flashed to Lucy’s. She could see the fear and scent his regret at being a part of what was happening to her. Smiling sincerely as he gently placed his hand around her upper arm, she gave a tiny nod to let the pup know she appreciated the difficulty of his situation.

I hope he gets out of this shit alive. If not, these assholes will eat him for lunch, or worse, turn him into yet another asshole. Goddess knows the world has enough of those.

As for the rest of them, they could simply cease to exist. They were worthless puppets who’d pledged their loyalty to an evil asshole. If she never heard of them again, Lucy wouldn’t lose a wink of sleep.

I can pray for a perfect world, right? Sure, I can.

Keeping in step with Amanda and the young male, Lucy tried to remember the layout of the house from her youth. If she was right, the wolves in front would be taking a right at the end of the hall in three, two, one.

Yes, give me a gold star.

“Be sure to keep a close eye on her,” Mona scoffed behind them. “I wouldn’t wanna have to chase her down.” She cackled like an idiot. “Oh wait, yeah I would. Chasing down little Lucy Benton and beating the shit out of her would be the highlight of my whole fucking year.”

Seriously, I cannot wait to slap the snarkiness right out of that murderous bitch. Shame, I have to find a way to escape first.

Winding through the upper floor of the eight-bedroom, eight-bathroom hunting lodge, she suddenly remembered a back staircase that divided into two about halfway down. One side went into the kitchen, the other led to a huge pantry that just happened to have an exit to the outside.

Old Alpha Bergerman had told her a story about a nursemaid from the days when his father was the leader of their pack. He’d said that she Copyright 2016 - 2024