Baby Daddies - Tara Brown Page 0,93

Sami takes the hint from Nat’s yawn. “Your mom’s on her way. I called, she’s panicking. Brady your mom and the crew will be here tomorrow.” She stands from Nat’s bed and hugs me. “Take care of my girls.”

“I hope you get some sleep, Nat,” Jenny adds.

“Me too,” Nat says, yawning again.

“Text me later, Coldwell.” Carson whacks me in the arm and kisses Nat as Rich takes one more look.

When it’s quiet in the room, just the three of us, I sit in the chair with Kara in my arms and watch Nat sleep. But my stare doesn’t stay on her long, it flickers between her and our little girl. I lower my face to hers again, smelling her the way I do Nat.

A strange feeling overwhelms me, similar to the moment I realized I needed to be with Nat. It’s a completeness, like a piece of a puzzle has clicked into place. Except I had no idea the piece was missing until now. I run my finger gently over the soft brown hair on her head and wonder if Dad felt this. Did he hold me and Andy as babies and just know love? It’s not the same as my love for Nat. In some ways it’s stronger. I hope I’ll be a good dad like he was, how Andy is.

“Hey,” Nat whispers, staring at me from the pillow. “How is she?”

“Sleeping,” I murmur.

“Looks good on you.” She sits up, wincing with discomfort. “Being a dad.”

“How are you?”

“I’m not gonna lie.” She pauses and stares at the blankets, waving her hand in a circle over her groin. “That will need some work. Apparently, there’s a bath that will help.” Her cheeks flush. “I can’t believe the car.”

“Yeah, you went fully savage on it.” A chuckle escapes my lips.

She covers her eyes. “I’m so embarrassed.”

Lori and Matt knock softly and walk in with our bags and things.

“Thanks,” I say and stand up slowly, trying not to move Kara too much as I lay her in Nat’s arms.

“So we saw the car,” Matt smirks.

“No!” Nat gasps.

“Dude, it looks like a jellyfish died in there.” Lori shakes his head. “It’s being towed now. We emptied everything from the glove box and trunk.”

“You touched the glove box?” I ask quietly.

“Yeah.” Matt nudges Lori. “Someone lost at rock, paper, scissors so he had to.”

“It wasn’t so bad,” Lori lies.

“Oh my God. I’m so humiliated.” Nat covers her face with her free hand.

“Speaking of which, you guys need to do me a solid. There’s a guy working at OnStar today. Miguel. Can you track him down for me and get his number or something? The guy honestly saved my life. I need to send him something.”

“Yeah. I’ll get on it,” Lori says as he turns to Nat. “How you feeling?”

“Like a human crawled out of my butt, Lori,” she groans. “So much for the birth plan, huh?”

“No birth plan could have prepared me for that shit.” It still makes me wanna heave but there’s nothing in my stomach. “All those hours spent rehearsing the baby coming and breathing techniques wasted. I’ll never get them back.”

“Your life is hard. Anyway,” Nat interrupts, “I need some Korean noodles with that spicy chicken from that place by the park.”


“I’m not eating hospital food, Brady.” She lifts an eyebrow at me.

“Yes, ma’am.” I chuckle and walk to her, kissing her. Then I place a small kiss on the head of my sleeping baby girl. “I’ll be right back.”

“I’ll give you a ride.” Matt slaps me on the arm and he and Lori walk out. I follow, pausing to pull on my runners. In the doorway, I turn and watch them, my girls.

Nat has never looked more beautiful. She’s glowing from the inside out. And for the second time since I met this girl, I know nothing is ever going to be the same again.

And I’m grateful for that.


Family reunion

Thursday, April 12


There are no words.

There is nothing to describe the level of hell that was. It’s been three days and I’m still not over it.

And my vagina will never be the same again, or my poor boobs.

But Lori standing over their crib, watching them snuggle the same way they did in the womb, soothes something inside me. Not my vagina though.

The baths Nat recommended are working, but I think we might be at plastic-surgery level of help needed to make it all okay again.

“There’s someone here to see you,” Millie calls from down the hallway that now leads to the Copyright 2016 - 2024