Baby Daddies - Tara Brown Page 0,90

hall and forces me to turn. It’s awkward and takes a minute for her to get on her knees and unzip my pants. The moment she’s touching my cock, I lose the fight. I close my eyes and remember her in Malta on the beach in the bikini Sami made her buy. Her lips wrap around me, taking me all in as I start to get hard.

She sucks and strokes for a second before pausing, clamping down with her lips and groaning.

“That’s a bit rough, Nat.” I look down to see what she’s doing. Her eyes are pressed shut and she’s not groaning, she’s crying out. I pull back my dick before she bites it off, and I realize my socks are wet. Her water’s broken.

“Oh, oh it hurts,” she’s moaning and trying to stand but her legs buckle.

As she’s crumbling, I scoop her up, grunting at the extra forty pounds but managing to get her to standing. The water is still running down her legs, dripping everywhere on our hallway carpet.

“Shit!” I shout and lift her up again, carrying her to the car as she screams in my ear and squeezes my arm so hard she’s ripping flesh.

The smell of the water she’s peed everywhere is stuck in my nose so the fresh air outside is welcomed. Even if it’s cold enough to be winter still. I forget my wallet, the baby bag, her hospital bag, and every single thing we rehearsed. I’m panicking and driving, trying to get the car to listen to me as Nat screams over my commands. Finally, the phone catches a name in all the screaming and calls someone.

“Hello?” Carson answers his phone. “Brady? Why are you calling me? What is this, the nineties?”

Nat screams again.


“The baby’s coming, Carson. Tell everyone and meet us at the hospital!” I hang up the phone and focus back on her. My heart’s racing so hard I’m certain this is how I die. A jammer in the car on the way to the hospital. It has a nice Coldwell ring to it. Something my old man would’ve done.

“It’s okay, baby. You’re gonna be fine.” I gag as she starts dragging her soaking wet pants off and flings them into the back seat, flicking my face with the water.

“I hate this, Brady!” she wails. “It hurts. I want it out. I want it out now!” She stands on the seat and squats like she’s going to take a crap on the front passenger seat while staring at me.

“Wait!” I scream like a girl and hit the OnStar button on the ceiling.

“Good evening, Mr. Coldwell. This is Miguel at OnStar, how can I help?”

“She’s going to give birth in the car!” I squeal my words and the tires as I turn the corner.

“What? Oh my God. Okay. Stay calm. Take your next left, it’s the fastest route to the hospital. You’re under five minutes to the emergency doors.”

Nat screams again and I speed up.

“Four minutes,” Miguel counts down. “Hang in there, Mrs. Coldwell, four minutes. You can hang on for four minutes.”

“I can’t,” she cries. “It’s coming.” She’s gripping the oh-shit handle and the headrest, standing on the seat and squatting like she’s riding the waves of the ocean she’s dripping all over the car I’m going to fucking burn when this is over.

“Two minutes. You can do anything for two minutes.” Miguel’s tone takes a turn and he rages, “You can keep that baby in for two more minutes!”

“Okay,” she sobs and grunts.

“Don’t you push, Mrs. Coldwell. Don’t push. Just hang on for one more minute. Floor it, Brady!” he screams and I do it.

Nat’s yelling.

I’m shrieking.

Miguel’s barking orders.

And as we make it to the emergency doors, I slam on the brakes, forcing Nat to hold on tighter which makes her louder. I put the car in park and jump out, screaming my face off, “Help! Help! She’s about to burst!”

People come rushing from the doors. Paramedics and nurses and someone with a stretcher. They’re ready for anything.

But not this.

The door opens and it’s midway. Nat’s bleeding everywhere, crying and touching between her legs.

Things happen in flashes.

She shoots fluid everywhere as she pushes.

Miguel screams the word “No,” for a whole minute.

A nurse puts her hands between Nat’s legs and grabs the little brown thing.

Vomit splashes my already soaking wet feet as I bend over and lose my lunch everywhere.

Nat’s dying, still squatting in the car.

Miguel’s moved on to cheering and motivating her.

The nurse is saying something about one more Copyright 2016 - 2024