Baby for the Billionaire - By Maxine Sullivan Page 0,55

small battle of wills, this was her subtle way of putting some distance between them. “Jack,” he reminded her. “And yes, I am a perfectionist. I can afford to be—just as I can afford to hire the very best and expect them to give me precisely what I want.”

She didn’t cave, not one inch. Instead, she continued to gaze at him with those ancient, deep-set eyes, eyes that seemed to alter color with her every mood change. Right now, they reminded him of tarnished gold. “In that case I’ll have to see that you get your money’s worth.”

His gaze dropped to her mouth, a mouth full and lush and red, and more enticing than the legendary apple Eve had offered Adam. “I’ll hold you to that,” he warned.

Temptation beckoned, urging him to take a bite of sin. He didn’t bother resisting. Something about this woman made him want to stake his claim, to gather up all that passion and energy she tried so hard to hide and allow it to storm through him. He’d been so cold for so long. He needed her heat, needed to feel the flames of desire. To—just this once—release the rigid control which governed every aspect of his life. What harm would this one time make?

Was she as curious as he to see where their embrace took them? He could spare her the suspense. He’d accomplished step one of his marriage project. He’d hired a nanny who would put his niece’s best interests first and stick around long enough to satisfy CPS. Now for step two. To engage her emotions just enough that she’d cave to the insanity of marrying him.

He lowered his head and captured her mouth with his. He half expected Annalise to yank free of the embrace, but to his relief, she didn’t resist. Nor did she burn with the same fire sweeping through him. Instead, she responded with a heady delicacy. Her mouth turned soft and responsive, yielding for those first seconds. Then her lips parted ever so cautiously, and she deepened the kiss.

Rational thought disintegrated. All he could think about was the woman in his arms and how quickly he could strip away the layers of clothing until burning flesh collided with burning flesh. He skated his hands down her back and cupped her lush backside, pulling her more fully against him. His groan slid from his mouth to hers.

A soft moan hummed in her throat and she slid her hands across his chest to his shoulders. “Jack …”

The sound of his name, overflowing with feminine desire, swept away the final remnants of his self-control. He urged her backward across the room toward the padded window seat overlooking his cloistered garden. The back of her legs bumped against the half-wall and she teetered on the edge of tumbling. He grinned against her mouth, preparing to follow her down onto the thick cushions, when an unmistakable noise distracted him. The sound of weeping crackled through the baby monitor clipped to his belt.

He released Annalise, and for an endless second their gazes locked and held. Shock and disbelief glittered in her eyes, though whether directed at his actions or her own, he couldn’t quite tell.

The breath exploded from her lungs and she shook her head. “Oh, no. Hell, no. This is not going to happen ever again, Mr. Mason. Are we clear on that point?”

“Crystal. And just so you know?” He traced a finger along the curve of her cheek and watched as her eyes overflowed with helpless desire. She fought it, but it was there for him to see. “It will happen again, for one reason and one reason only.”

Her chin shot up. “And what’s that?”

“I doubt either of us will be able to keep our hands off each other.”

With that, he turned and left the room, unwilling to admit even to himself how difficult he found the choice.


Isabella crouched in the middle of the large bed, lost amid the piles of pillows, dolls and stuffed animals. He crossed to sit on the edge of the bed. Annalise appeared in the doorway behind him and stepped hesitantly into the room.

“Hey, Baby Belle,” he murmured. It had been his sister’s nickname for her daughter and using it often helped soothe Isabella. “All done with your nap?”

She stared up at him, her green eyes dewy wet and far too resigned for a child of five. She nodded in response to his question before turning her attention to Annalise. To Jack’s surprise his niece Copyright 2016 - 2024