Baby for the Billionaire - By Maxine Sullivan Page 0,152

before putting a hand under her elbow and escorting her into the elevator.

Frank Sutton was still undergoing an emergency angioplasty to open the blocked coronary artery, they were advised by an efficient nurse who sent them to the visitor’s waiting room.

As they came through the double doors a woman with a round face and laugh lines leaped to her feet and directed a shaky, uncertain smile at them. “Victoria?”

Victoria moved forward. “Juliet?” At the older woman’s nod she said, “Thank you for calling me.”

“I tried your home number first, but a disconnect message gave me your cell number.” There was a hint of curiosity as Juliet’s gaze flickered from Victoria to Connor.

“This is Connor North.” Victoria linked her hand through his elbow as she introduced him. Drawing a deep, audible breath, she added in a rush, “My husband.”

She hadn’t found that easy to admit, Connor realized with grim humor.

“Oh, Frank didn’t mention …” Juliet’s voice trailed away.

“My father doesn’t know yet,” Victoria said brusquely. “Do you have any idea when I’ll be able to see him?”

“The nurses said it would be a while.” After an uncomfortable pause Juliet said, “Frank’s been talking about you a lot over the past few weeks.”

Tears welled up in Juliet’s eyes, and Connor read the discomfort in Victoria’s expression. She had no idea of Juliet’s role in her father’s life, he realized suddenly.

Stepping forward, he said, “There’s a coffee dispenser in the corner. What would you each like?”

Both women turned to him with expressions of identical relief. Thank God for coffee. It fixed everything.

“I’ll come over and make my own.” He should’ve known that Victoria would be her usual, independent self—even in a time of crisis.

“I’ll come, too. Oh, good, there’s hot chocolate.” Juliet rubbed her hands up and down her arms as though her skin was already too tight. “I don’t think I could face caffeine right now.”

So he was wrong—and coffee wasn’t always the answer. Especially where human relationships were involved. Connor could only hope that the outcome this time would be happier than it had been for Michael and Suzy. For Victoria’s sake, he offered up a desperate prayer for her father to make it safely through without any further complications.

It was three hours before they were allowed to see Frank Sutton. Although the angioplasty had been a success, Victoria was shocked at how much her father had aged since she’d last seen him.

“You came, Victoria!” His eyes lit up as she halted beside his hospital cot.

“Yes, I came,” she said lamely. “Juliet called me.”

“Ah, Juliet. She’s my guardian angel.”

“How did you meet her?”

“I started going to church,” he replied. “She was one of the first to welcome me.” He must’ve seen her shock because he added, “Hard to believe, I know.”

His skin held a yellow cast marred with liver spots that she’d never noticed. He looked old and tired. A broken man. Nothing like the feckless, handsome man who’d ruined her mother’s life and made her childhood a battlefield. A sliver of pity pierced her heart.

Whatever he’d done, however enraged and disappointed she’d been with him in the past for failing her, he didn’t deserve this.

His hand inched out and closed over hers, the tightening fingers telling her without words of his fear and desperation.

“Frank, this is Victoria’s husband, Connor North,” Juliet said from the foot of the bed.

Frank lifted his head with a struggle. “You’re married?”

And she’d never told him.

It hung between them, yet another recrimination.

Victoria nodded miserably. Connor had been right. She should have invited her father to the wedding, despite their differences.

“Remember my friend Suzy?”

“Of course I remember Suzy. I was sometimes home through the years.” His mouth twisted. “Even though you and your mother probably wouldn’t believe that, not that I blame either of you,” he added as she clenched her fingers under his grip.

“Suzy died in a car accident. Her husband was killed, too.” How to explain it? “They had a baby—”

“Oh, poor mite,” exclaimed Juliet.

“His name is Dylan … Connor and I were appointed his guardians—”

“And you fell in love.” Juliet wore a dreamy expression, and Victoria didn’t have the heart to disillusion her.

She searched for something to say that wouldn’t make their marriage sound like a cold, convenient arrangement.

Juliet took Frank’s other hand. “Your father has been wanting to call you. He’s got something to ask you.” A smile lit up her cheerful round face, and Victoria found herself warming more and more to the other woman. She had a brisk lightheartedness that was Copyright 2016 - 2024