B - stard (Royal Bastards MC) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,68

job, remember?”

“How’s it fair if you can worry over me and protect me, but I can’t do the same?” I ask. “You can’t carry the weight of the club and everyone in it on your shoulders alone.”

“You’d protect me?” he asks, cocking his head to the side. He’s so damn cute, all rough and tough and messy.

“Of course, I would. We’ve talked about us meaning a lot to each other, and I was serious Ripper. I-I don’t want to scare you off, but I think I’m falling in love with you. It scares me. I don’t think it should be happening like this and so soon, but I just can’t stop thinking about you. Even when you’re right here, just in the other room, I need to know you’re okay, that you’re safe and happy. I want to help you with this burden, even if you don’t see it as one.”

“Christ, woman,” he murmurs against my hair, pulling me close. “It’s like you’re speaking from my own heart. I’m not used to being mushy like this, but when it comes to you, I don’t even mind it. In fact, you’re always on my mind too. Truth is, I don’t think I could stop worrying or thinking or wanting you if I tried to fight it. I’m in too fuckin’ deep.”

I tilt my head against his shoulder so I can press a kiss to his scruffy, sharp jawline. He’s got the sort of chin that I’d bet men get broken hands hitting. He’s hard all over, yet surprisingly soft when he’s got me in his arms. I lean in, kissing his jaw again, wanting to have more of him. He’s too tall for me to kiss his cheek like this unless I reach up on my tippy-toes.

“We need to have a chat, yeah?” he grumbles, tucking me under his arm and leading me away from church. Warning bells silently sound in my head.

Did I finally scare him off, and he’s ready to cut me loose after all? He told me he wanted me, to be with him in the future and I believed him, but maybe I shouldn’t have? By him being in too deep, does that mean he’s getting rid of me before it has a chance to go any further? I have to be overreacting after what he just professed moments ago.

He leads me to his office, taking the seat behind his desk. He props me up against the solid wood, with my thighs between his legs. He sits back, his hands resting on the outsides of my knees. He glances up at me, soft sweetness reflecting in his irises. “You’re so damn flawless, Gem. You’re my diamond.”

Blush steals over my cheeks. He ties me up in knots inside. “Thank you.”

“I spoke to your father.”

That’s the last thing I was expecting to come out of his mouth. When he said he wanted to talk, I was foolish enough to believe he meant about him and me, not about my father’s overbearing habits. “Oh, is he okay? Is everything all right?”

He nods. “Told ‘im I wasn’t ready to let you go, that I want you to stay here with me permanently.”

I gasp, taken back that he was being serious before, when we’d spoken about a possible long-term picture. I can’t believe he’s actually spoken to my father on it. “What did he have to say about that?” I’m sure he was enraged. Only on the inside, though—my father never lets himself show anger as you never know when someone may be watching. He’s always thinking of his campaign, twenty-four-seven.

Ripper shrugs, briefly squeezing my thighs, then moves to lightly rub circles into them again. “I assured him that you’re being taken care of here and kept safe. I also reminded him of our budding friendship and he was able to see reason within it all.”

“Just like that? He’s never been so agreeable with anyone, when it comes to Madison or me. I don’t understand.”

“There’s nothing to understand, babe. If you want to be with me, then you can be. You will.”

“I-I do want that,” I admit honestly, baring my true feelings to him. Damn the consequences, he needs to realize this isn’t just a quick fling of sorts with me.

He stands, his tall body towering over me. He leans in to press his lips to mine, murmuring, “I want to claim you. I want you to be my ol’ lady.”

I moan against his lips. His serious, gravelly voice sounds so sexy,

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