B - stard (Royal Bastards MC) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,58

that he's the quiet type. That trait works like a charm for him slipping into places undetected.

I, on the other hand, am a jack of varied trades. I dabble in whatever the fuck heeds my attention. The upside of being prez is I can do whatever I want.

The door opens soundlessly. There’s not even a creak to give away our position, thanks to the new construction. We slip inside, already aware of which side of the house our prey is on. The uppity motherfucker was stupid enough to leave all his lights off when he was gone. Once he stepped over the threshold, he was flipping on lights as he went. It was like a beacon, and our luck doubled in size when we realized his family didn’t come home with him. That could’ve been a hiccup, as I won’t stand for hurting innocent women and children, but no need to think on it now. I can put a few bullets in him, courtesy of my silencer and the world will be rid of one more perverted fucker with a God complex.

Our steps are nearly silent as we move together, careful not to bump into anything. I take the lead with Angel at my back. The brothers always got my six and that's a damn good feeling to have about a Royal Bastard.

His hand hits the middle of my back, and I reach behind me. He passes me his blade. I wasn't trying to get messy, I brought a silencer to make this quick and easy, but Angel's plan must've shifted. I wonder what he saw to make that call. Regardless, I trust him and his instinct. He's our enforcer because he knows what the fuck he’s doing when it comes to this shit. I palm the blade handle, ready to make my move and step closer to the doorway that’s cast in warm light.

The opportunity comes sooner than I'd anticipated when my mark opens the door. He steps into the dark hallway and I hold my breath. His eyes widen comically as he finally notices us and I’m suspended in the moment, my head suddenly blank on what to do.

Angel leaps past me like a limber fucking panther. He grabs the guy with such force he doesn't have a chance to react. My brother spins the john toward me, and rather than a quick slice across the throat, I go for his meaty gut. With Angel holding him securely, I plunge the knife into his stomach again and again. Blood gurgles out the man's mouth, mimicking the holes I've poked in his middle.

The dark crimson trails over his lips, to smear down his cleanly shaven chin. Angel steps backward, releasing the body to unceremoniously fall to the ground. He flops down like a dead fish and a chuckle makes its way free from me. I wasn’t expecting that to happen just then, and I’ve got a case of the laughs.

Angel glares, shaking his head at me. The fucker’s always serious, even at a time like this.

“Hey, don’t look at me like that. You could’ve stuck him a couple times too, but you handed over your knife.”

He complains, “I had a feeling something wasn’t gonna go as planned.”

“That explains why you changed things up. I was wondering.”

He shrugs. “That and after seeing his daughter’s photos on the wall, I figured we could torch the place.”

“Burn it all?” I probe, staring at him like he’s lost his mind. With Angel, he probably has.

“Yeah, erase everything about this scum. They’ll get the insurance money along with a fresh start.”

“Ah.” I nod, understanding where he’s going with this. “Bet. Let’s fuckin’ do it then, brother.”

“You go out the back. I get to torch this place, since you had all the other fun,” he declares dejectedly.

I flash a quick, amused grin, thoroughly enjoying his grumpiness at me getting in the kill and not him. Wiping the blade on my black jeans, I pass his knife over. “All right, then, sour puss. Take care of it, and I’ll catch you in a beat. I’ll go make sure your prospect hasn’t fucked anything up.”

Angel puts his knife away, his irises sparkling with malevolence. I guess setting a huge mansion on fire elicits some kind of emotion out of the crazy fucker. Now that this guy’s out of my way, I have one more person in line to take care of. Once my club figures out who the fuck has been threatening my woman, then it’s hell

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