B - stard (Royal Bastards MC) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,48

acts like I’m the one putting him out, when in reality, I’m doing him a fucking favor. I didn’t have to make this any of my business. Maddy is a grown woman. If she wants to strip, snort, and fuck, who am I to tell her no? If it weren’t for this prick having the cash, the club wouldn’t have wasted the time on any of this.

“It is. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask for more, however.”

“What can I do for you? I make no promises, but if it’s within my reach, I’ll see what I can do.”

“I have a brother being held on charges of possession.”

I see the judgment fill his eyes immediately. Thank fuck I never had to deal with my ol’ man looking at me like this. I’d have put a bullet in him if that was the case. I got the lucky end of the stick with my pops, as he’s one hundred percent supported me in the club life. He wished I’d have pledged to his club, but he got over it. This fucker here, has me realizing why Alice is so punctual and uptight. She’s a good girl, a rule follower—she was until she met me, anyhow.

I push on before he has a chance to interrupt and shoot me down already. “He was on a job for me, and now he’s looking at doing a few years’ time for something he never should’ve been arrested for. If you’re able to get him let off, it could look good for you with the cannabis voters. I read that your state is attempting to make recreational use legal. This could show your voters that you’re serious about taking that step.”

He hums, silently thinking it over. I’ve caught him off guard with my request. The fucker’s probably in shock over the fact I read, but little does he know, aptitude has never been a struggle for me. I didn’t choose the club life because I had no other choice; I chose it because I love it.

The senator looks me over, clearly pondering my request. He must’ve believed I was going to blackmail him, not offer up an opportunity. It’s in disguise of a favor to the club, but it works, nonetheless.

“It’d be a far reach for me,” he finally sputters. I’m not sure I believe him though. “I’d have to call in multiple favors, as I’ve never spoken to your governor, nor anyone else who has the power to make those doors open in Texas. For the right incentive, I may be willing to go out of my way to see it happen. Tell me, Ripper, to what lengths does your club go to-to solve another man’s problems?”

“Depends.” I shrug with the reply, leaning against the brick to help block the serious wind gusts we’re having today.

I’m surprised the plane was able to land here in this shit without any issues. I sure as fuck wouldn’t want to fly around in it—riding was bad enough. The gusts were pushing us all over the fucking place. If there weren’t six of us leaving the club, I’d have rolled up in a truck and avoided the nuisance altogether. If it weren’t for the incentive of a big payday, I’d have fucked off altogether.

“On what?”

“Well, the payout…if there is any. It’d be contingent on the possible blowback, as well as the level of difficulty. Finally, it’d have to be voted on by my brothers and me. If it seems like something we can handle, we don’t mind getting our hands dirty to solve some problems for folks. Hell, we may even enjoy it.” I wink at that last little dig. He needs to know he’s not shaking me up in the least bit with his shady requests. I can be a fucking monster if I’m pushed enough.

His lips tip into a sinister grin. “That’s what I was hoping you’d say. This particular request has to be handled delicately. No one can ever link it back to me, in any way.”

I nod, promising, “I can make sure that happens.” My brow wrinkles as I become more serious, and my voice lowers an octave as I declare adamantly, “Depending on what it is and what we get out of it.”

“I need someone to disappear.”

“Okay.” I draw the word out, needing more than that. Does he want me to kidnap someone or kill them? And is this personal, does it need to be simple or a fucking bloodbath of torture?


“Ah, and would

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