B - stard (Royal Bastards MC) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,44

Powerhouse’s massive chest, sobbing and calling out brokenly for Blow. She sounds like a little girl who’s lost her mother—it’s a bit heartbreaking, to be honest. The brawny sergeant at arms wraps her up, shushing her, cooing like she’s a fragile being. The entire scene is bizarre, and if my father witnesses her acting like this, he’s really going to freak out and make sure she doesn’t have a chance to leave again. She’ll be married the moment we touch down at home to some country club prepster, knocked up by next week, and placed on a steady supply of Prozac as soon as the kid leaves her womb. If she knew what was good for her, she’d be rational about her behavior. Has she learned nothing from me being trustworthy and devoted to our father? In doing so, he’s given me more freedom then she’s ever had.

The security guys around us act as if nothing is going on, and it irks me like no other. How can they be so blind? I know they’re paid to be discreet, but I’d at least be asking if this was legal.

“Calm down, you’re only making this worse than what it could be.” I attempt to break through to Madison, but you’d think I was speaking to a wall. She doesn’t even acknowledge me. She pretends I’m not here, just like the security guys. She’s really gone off the deep end this time around, and I know my father won’t take to that very well. He craves stability and a good image, and she’s defying all of that at the moment. On the upside, my father will be too distracted with Madison to pay attention to me. After all this, less attention sounds like a blessing.

I wish I knew how to help Madison, but I’m at a loss. There’s only so much I can make happen, unfortunately. While my parents are wealthy and powerful in a sense, depending on which circle they’re pushing their weight around in, I don’t have the same luxury. My parents’ money and father’s title is theirs alone. It doesn’t help me past getting a decent job or an occasional favor. My sister is on her own with this and I hate that.

I love my father, I really do, but I’m beginning to realize just how much he cages us up. It’s not only my sister and me, but my mom too. Only she doesn’t fight it. She sneaks around him to get information, but overall, she keeps the peace. Until recently, I’d never realized that I’d been doing the same thing in my own way. Madison’s the only one in our family who’s repeatedly stood up to him for what she wants.

I used to see her as young and immature, but that’s not the case at all. She’s brave, and the fact that she’s willing to give up everything to find her happiness—to fight for it—has me in awe of her. I’ve been jaded my entire life, believing that I was the one being a role model for her. When in reality, I should’ve been taking a page from her book about independence.

“I’m sorry,” I manage to whisper in her direction, watching as my father and Ripper begin their stroll back toward the private jet and motorcycles. She stares at me with such devastation, that I can’t help but feel a touch of hate bloom in my chest. What have I done? I think, but I know the answer to my own question. I can see it plain as day…I’ve clipped her wings.

The two men come to a stop, sandwiched between my sister and me. I look to them both for any signs that they’ve reached a mutual deal, or God forbid, the opposite. Ripper had wanted more, though I’m not exactly sure what that was or what it’d entail. Whatever happened between them has things moving so quickly that my mind begins to spin, not knowing what to think.

My father calls for one of his guys and gestures in the direction of Madison. Ripper nods at Powerhouse, and the giant SAA immediately follows the silent order to hand my sister over. Madison fights like a hellcat, screaming and clinging to Powerhouse. She doesn’t realize that unless the MC steps in to protect her, nothing will stop my father from putting her on that plane. She’s too weak compared to these men and given that she’s been doing her fair share of drugs, she’s thinner than her usual

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