B - stard (Royal Bastards MC) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,3

emotions are all over the place, and he must be far more stressed out than I’d suspected. I have to find my sister.

“I have the security detail with me. I’m fine. So far, no one has recognized me, so everything is okay. I’m okay. I’ll find Madison and come home as soon as possible. The campaign won’t suffer.”

“That’s my girl. I know I can count on you. I’ve checked your account and added more money. Tell Richardson to head to central Texas next. I’ll have Jenkins send over the latest leads on your sister’s whereabouts. And, by all means, remain undetected.”

“Okay, I will, Dad.” Like he needs to remind me. I’ve lived in jeans, plain shirts, ball caps, and ponytails this entire trip. I feel like a teenager all over again—always in disguise so we could travel without being harassed. My father’s been an influential man for as long as I can remember, and that comes with its ups and downs. We already had to be careful when traveling and such, being as wealthy as we are. Throw in the fact that my father is running for various offices, and the danger level shoots up several notches.

“Love you, sweetheart. We’ll talk soon.”

“Love you too. Bye,” I reply and meet Richardson’s knowing gaze. He’s been on this hunt with me before, but so far, this has been the longest search. My younger sister likes to pull a disappearing act at least once a year, so this is nothing new to our family. Sometimes I think she was born to the wrong parents; she would’ve had a better chance at happiness with a regular life. Our mother and father have always had one goal in sight, and that’s to rise to the top. Madison has been more of a hindrance to that goal than anything else, and it makes me empathetic toward her. I can’t blame her for it. I have days when I wish my life were different, as well. Unlike her, I haven’t acted on it before, but in a way, I think she’s brave to search for what she wants.

“I’m sure you caught part of that,” I mutter to Richardson when the call ends.

He nods. “Did I hear Senator Compton correctly when he said central Texas?”

“Yes, we’re headed south. Too bad we’re in these circumstances; it’d be the perfect opportunity to make our presence known in Dallas. Dad could use the positive exposure in the state, but that won’t happen with Madison missing. She’s the top priority.”

“Why do you continue to search for her? This is like the fourth time since I’ve been working for your father. It’s not your responsibility.”

“She’s my sister,” I respond adamantly. “That’s reason enough, and she is partly my responsibility. It’s what sisters do.”

“You’re good to your family. I just hate to see them take advantage of that.”

I shrug. “I’m used to it.”

“I know, Alice. That makes it so much worse. You’re a good woman; you don’t deserve the headache. You should be next to your father right now. Someday you’ll be the one campaigning in his place. You have so many ideas on how to help our state, and no one gives you the respect you deserve. You’re an asset, not a private bounty hunter.”

“Someday, Richardson, maybe. Until then, I have my sister to worry about. Last time, she was shacked up with that Russian drug dealer. There’s no telling where she is now. She could be dead right now…that’s what scares me the most. I just need to find her, see that she’s all right, then I can worry about myself.”

“Yes, ma’am; we’ll find her.” He offers me a reassuring smile. His chestnut hair is all over the place from dragging his hands through it while he drives us around.

“Thanks, Richardson,” I murmur, and he speaks into his wrist, relaying the new direction to the set of guys in the car behind us. While he’s quietly conversing with them, Jenkins sends me a text with the name and zip code of the new town. I change the car’s GPS for Richardson and hit ‘go’ on the screen. It immediately sprouts off the next turn in a British accent and tells us our arrival will be at five a.m. My father had his car guy program it like that, especially for me because her slang makes me laugh.

Richardson tells his men the new location, and I close my eyes. Leaning my seat back, I allow my mind to wander. I need rest. Too

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