B - stard (Royal Bastards MC) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,15

inside. I go straight to my office. I already have the upper hand bringing her to the RBMC clubhouse, but I’ll get some much-wanted privacy in my office. I want to feel her out myself, find out exactly what she’s up to, and if her words are genuine. That’s easier to pick up on without multiple distractions happening around the club.

I’m also curious if her security guy is ballsy enough to step foot in here with her. I’m in a mood today, one where I wouldn’t mind knocking some teeth out. Maybe he’ll provoke me enough I’ll get a chance to. That’d be fun and no doubt scare the shit out of this nosey bitch.

The club door slams a beat later, and my eyes go straight for the security cam I have mounted on the wall in my office. The yard out front is littered with bikes and two swanky black sedans. Apparently, she didn’t ride with one of the brothers unless the dipshit she was with had followed her here. If that were the case, though, I know my brothers would’ve lost him, so Alice must’ve ridden here with him. That knowledge pisses me off. I told my brothers to bring her. What if she’d tried to get away once they were on their bikes? And who the hell does the other cage belong too? While she was doing God knows what with the brothers, dickmunch must’ve called for backup. What a chicken shit little weasel. I mean, it was in his best interest, but still, the pussy must not have any nuts between his legs.

Whiskey is first to duck into the spacious office, followed by Blow. I’m about to lay into them and ask where the fuck Plague slithered off to when the woman in question crosses the threshold to my office. She’s flanked by three non-impressive bodyguards with Plague taking up the rear. At least he had enough sense not to walk in front of them. I swear, sometimes it’s like I’m dealing with a group of fucking toddlers. You don’t let your possible enemy behind you. That’s Common Sense 101. At this rate, I may end up knocking some sense into my brothers instead of the dipshits she’s brought with her.

“’Bout time you pussies showed up,” I grumble instead to my guys, casting my glower to the fine piece of meat standing in front of my desk. I lay eyes on her, and she’s hot enough to make my groin tighten with desire. Rarely do bitches have that power over me right away, and this one has me taking notice. That fire engine red dress she’s got on is like waving a flag at a bull. I want to show her just how badly I can rip her in two.

So, she’s related to Maddy the stripper, hmm? I can see the resemblance, but this one outshines the other, for sure.

Her three suits scan the area—for her safety, I’m assuming. Never mind, she couldn’t be safer, surrounded by a group of motherfucking vipers. We’re not some prep school trained bodyguards either. We’re criminals, the low-ball kind that won’t think twice about fighting dirty. We’re callous and take no shit, so these guys have another thing coming if they believe they could protect her from me. I’m the worst one of them all. Those stick-up-their-ass motherfuckers barely flash a glance in my direction, acting like I don’t exist. That shit irritates me the fuck off, not showing respect where it’s due. People thinking they’re better than me—always have—but this is my house, my club. They need to open their eyes and take notice who’s top dog up in this motherfucker.

“Can I help you?” I ask, flicking my gaze over her from top to bottom. I could stare all day, she’s that fuckin’ fine. Bet she’d look even more desirable on her knees begging for my cock. She’s got full, round tits that’re asking for my dick to titty fuck ‘em. Now, that’d damn sure be the proper way to get me to talk about her stripper sister.

“I hope so,” she replies confidently. I don’t know what I find more attractive on her right now, her big tits, or the fact she’ll meet my intense stare and not falter. She’s not submissive, which has always been an attractive trait on women for me.

“Mm,” I grunt, noncommittal. I can’t believe these fucking suits haven’t said shit about the way I’m eyeing their master. If they could read my thoughts, however,

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