The B Girls - By Cari Cole Page 0,81

ugly looking scratches on her arms and a bruise along her jaw-line.

Lucy ran her hands gently over Belle's arms and legs searching for injuries and finding nothing more than the obvious.

Shouts came from upstairs.


"I have to let them know where we are," Lucy said, hugging Belle and reluctant to let her go. They were both crying "I was so scared." Lucy opened her arms and eased back.

Belle nodded wiping her face. "I'll be fine now."

Lucy gave her a reassuring pat, wiped her own face with the back of her hand and went to the bottom of the stairs from the main level. "Down here!"

A police officer appeared. "Are you Mrs. Deen?

Lucy nodded. "We need paramedics down here. My aunt isn't doing well."

"Is there anyone else in the house?"

"Upstairs. Mrs. Dawson. She isn't well. I'm not sure what her diagnosis is. She might need medical attention too."

Lucy went back to Belle and held her hand until the paramedics took over.


"You'll need to make an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon," the ER doctor said as he smoothed the last of the ace bandage into place. "This arm will probably require surgery." He wrote something on a prescription pad and handed the sheet to Jane. "No driving. And if I may offer a suggestion, no more caving without a guide." He looked around to include Lucy and Mae in this last instruction.

"Don't worry I think our Indiana Jones days are over," Jane said.

"You're good to go," he said.

Jane thanked him and he left the three of them alone.

They were all wearing scrubs generously donated by the hospital after having their scrapes, cuts, gunshots and broken limbs seen to.

The tally wasn't as bad as it could have been.

Jane's arm was the worst of it.

Lucy's wound was superficial and Mae escaped with a few bruises and scrapes.

"So?" Jane said. "Did you get it? Did Leonard give you the jar?"

Lucy held up the jar. "Unopened. Ready to go upstairs to Belle's room to see what we have?"

"The ranger just handed it over?" Jane was beyond shocked. She would have sworn he'd make them hire lawyers and jump through hundreds of hoops to get the documents.

"He doesn't know," Lucy said. "I found it in Dawson's SUV before the cavalry arrived. But I doubt Ranger Leonard will have the nerve to give us any trouble."

"After Dawson admitted what he'd done," Mae said.

"Let's get upstairs before we get into details," Lucy said. "Belle's waiting on us."

"Is she okay?" Jane asked.

Lucy nodded. "Dehydrated and tired. They're keeping her overnight but she should be fine."


Belle smiled when they walked into the room. "Did you bring it?"

"Yep." Lucy put the jar on the bed at Belle's feet. "Should we open it here?"

"Hell yes," Belle said. "We should get the first peek."

Lucy dug through the one pack they still had with them for a pocket knife. The jar was sealed with wax and she had to dig it out to get the lid free.

"I'm going to be so pissed if we find hundred year old preserved peaches in there," Jane said.

"Don't even think it," Lucy said as the lid popped free.

They all held their breath as Lucy took the first look. "Old paper."

"Hallelujah," Mae said.

"Well?" Jane said. "Get it out. Let's see what we've got."

"I'm not sure I should," Lucy said. "What if I damage something?"

"Someone has to get them out," Belle said. "It might as well be us."

Lucy wheeled the bed-table over so they could lay the documents flat. She carefully eased the papers out of the jar and unrolled them. They were still folded in half and she very gently slid her finger in the middle and opened them.

The one on top was printed rather than handwritten.

"In Congress, July 4th 1776," Lucy read. "A Declaration by the Representatives of the United States of America."

"This has to be a Dunlap Broadside," Mae said.

"Holy Independence!" Jane said. "We really found it."

"But what's the rest?" Mae said.

Lucy carefully moved the Broadside revealing the next page.

The same words appeared at the top of the page, handwritten.

"Oh my God," Lucy said. "It's true. This is the final draft of the Declaration of Independence."

There were three pages. The last one held the signatures of John Hancock and Charles Thomson.

"I can't believe it," Mae said. "I don't think I ever really believed it was possible."

"I never doubted it," Belle said. "I'm just sorry I missed the finale in the cave."

Jane screwed her face up into a wry smile. "Oh yeah, you missed a real good time."

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