The B Girls - By Cari Cole Page 0,8

Lucy said.

"Bold," Mae said.

"Bitchy in a good way," Jane said.

Jane raised her glass for a toast. "To The B Girls."

Lucy thought about that for a second. "I think I like it. To The B Girls."

Mae raised her glass to join in the toast. "Us?" Mae said. "The B Girls?"

Lucy and Jane nodded.

"Bold, Brazen, Bitchy, Brave and Bad Ass--that's us," Jane said. "From this day forward."

Mae clinked glasses with them. "To The B Girls." She prayed Chip and the kids would never find out about this. They'd know she'd slipped gear if they could see her wearing a Stetson and cowboy boots.

"You know," Lucy said, "I'm more of a sagging C cup."

"Hey, speak for yourself. I don't plan on anything sagging for at least ten more years," Jane said.

"At least as long as you have an underwire and and a good plastic surgeon," Lucy said.

"I don't think her boobs are big enough to sag," Mae said. "Mine on the other hand are in danger of getting tucked into my waistband if I don't put on my bra first."

"Yow! Too much information," Jane said. "And I'll have you know I'm toting around a pair of solid C cups."

Lucy gave her an exaggerated once over. "More like a skimpy B."

Jane just shook her head. "This conversation is getting a little too weird for me. I think it's time for Mae to join the line dance."

Mae was shaking her head before Jane finished talking.

"Oh yes you are," Jane insisted.

"You and Lucy go. I'll stay here and keep an eye on our stuff."

"Lucy will sit this one out," Jane said. "You're up first."

"I think I need another drink first. Alcohol lends false courage and I could use a little right now," Mae said.

Jane stood and pulled Mae to her feet. "You can use some of that false courage later when we get you up on the dance bar."

The dance bar was a replica of the one the bartenders worked behind but its purpose was only to display the dance skills of the customers. Especially the female customers who were encouraged to display their talents by the appreciative male customers.

Jane had spotted this unique feature of the Shitkicker as soon as they walked in the door and decided that her goal in life--or at least for tonight--was to get Mae up on that bar.

"Hell will freeze over before I dance on a bar," Mae said.


"Who would've guessed?" Lucy said to Jane as they watched Mae performing a complicated clogging routine on top of the dance bar while the crowd cheered.

"Not me. I didn't think we'd get more than two drinks in her, let alone get her up on that bar."

"You know what this means?"

"We have to get up there too?"

"Yep," Lucy said. "Thank God we'll never see any of these people again. I'm afraid I don't have Mae's skill."

Jane shrugged and climbed the three steps placed at the end of the dance bar to assist the less agile in reaching the top.

Lucy went up after her.

Mae grinned when she spotted them and issued a silent challenge.

For the next five minutes Lucy and Jane did their best to keep up while reveling in the drunken wolf whistles and cheers of the crowd.

Sweaty and breathing hard, they shared a laughing hug before climbing down.

"Call Larry," Lucy said. "I have an idea."

Larry the Limo driver was providing them safe passage tonight. They'd had to call four limo services before finding a car on such short notice but Mae had been the only one willing to be the designated driver.

Unacceptable, Lucy had decreed. There would be no DD on this trip.

"I'm almost afraid to ask," Jane said as she pulled out her cell phone.

"Then don't. I think it should be a surprise."

The B Girls

Larry pulled the limo up to the front door of the Shitkicker and got out to open the door for them.

Lucy pulled him aside for a whispered conversation that made Jane frown when she saw the look of surprise on Larry's face. Mae wasn't paying the least bit of attention.

Finally, Larry shrugged, grinned and handed Lucy into the limo with Jane and Mae.

"So where are we going?" Jane asked.

Lucy shook her head. "Uh uh it's going to be a surprise."

Fifteen minutes later, Larry brought the limo to a stop outside of Spike's Tattoos.

Jane was shaking her head before Larry opened the door. "No way. I'm not getting a tattoo."

Lucy laughed. "You don't have to. You can just watch while I get mine."

"I think I want a tattoo," Copyright 2016 - 2024