The B Girls - By Cari Cole Page 0,23

be enough other ground to cover," she said.

He looked at her as if she'd suggested he sacrifice a goat to Satan. "My dissertation will change the history of the Declaration. I'm not just covering old ground here."

The dream of every academic, to be the one to make the breakthrough and have their names printed in textbooks the world over, to be The Authority. "What if there's nothing to find?"

"There has to be. I'm sure Belle was onto something. All my research . . ."

He left it hanging as if it should be obvious to Lucy that he couldn't have come to any false conclusions. After all, he'd done Research.

"I don't know what to tell you except I'm much more interested in finding my aunt than I am about helping you with your dissertation. If you leave your number I'll call you if I find something or have Belle call you when she returns." Assuming she did return.

Perry looked confused. "But, I thought--I mean I really need--Couldn't you just let me--"

Jane held up a hand to stop him. "Look Perry, you're being completely inappropriate. Lucy just told you Belle is missing and she's not going to let you rummage through Belle's personal papers. If we find something you might find useful, we'll let you know. Okay?"

Apparently, Perry was used to people resorting to rude bluntness when dealing with him. He didn't get offended but nodded. "Yeah, sure." He reached down into the bulging briefcase and somehow came up with a pad of Post-It notes and a pen. He scribbled something and handed it to Lucy. "You'll call if you find something? Or make sure Belle calls when she turns up?"

"I'll call." Lucy didn't say when, but then, she didn't have a lot of hope he'd stay away for long.

Mae came back to the table and gave his arm a little tug. "I'll walk you out," she said with her Stepford smile back in place.

Jane rolled her eyes but Perry stood up. "Uh, sure."

Lucy was relieved to see him disappear toward the front door while Mae 'blessed his heart' for all she was worth.

"What a nut job," Jane said.

"Don't be so sure," Mae said as she walked back into the kitchen. "Didn't you hear Lucy say his research matches a family legend? I say it's a sign."

Lucy could see where this was going. "It's just a story. And even if it's true the Declaration is long gone."

"A sign of what?" Jane wanted to know, ignoring Lucy's attempt to bring the discussion back to reality.

"A sign that we should declare our independence from suburban stereotypes. If we could actually find the original Declaration of Independence wouldn't that be proof we're destined for more than life in McMansion hell?"

"I think you're absolutely right," Jane said. She turned to Lucy. "We have to try."

Lucy still thought it was a good possibility the whole thing was a wild goose chase.

"What if Belle did find something? What if it has something to do with her being missing?" Mae said.

Hearing Mae voice the idea made Lucy think she might not be as paranoid as she'd feared.

"That's just crazy talk," Jane said.

"Why?" Mae said. "The Declaration is bound to be worth a lot of money."

"Belle didn't find anything because there's nothing to find," Lucy said. But she was beginning to wonder. Perry certainly thought there was something to find.


Could it have something to do with Belle's disappearance?

Probably not.

"But suppose someone believes she knows where to find the Declaration?" Mae said. "If what Perry said is true it would probably be priceless."

"I'm sure the only person who would know is Perry and he obviously doesn't know where Belle is," Lucy said.

"We don't know that," Jane said.

"Why would he come here if he had something to do with Belle going missing?" Lucy said.

"To find her notes. Just like he said," Mae suggested.

The whole thing seemed a little far-fetched to Lucy. Except for the fact that Belle was indeed missing and she was willing to grasp at straws. "I'm more concerned about Belle than some mythical copy of the Declaration of Independence but since we don't have any other explanation for her disappearance, looking for the Declaration seems the only way of looking for Belle." She had to do something more than call the police every hour and worry.

Mae suddenly clamped a hand to her mouth. "Oh my God!"

"What?" Lucy said.

"Maybe the house was open when we got here because somebody took the notes," Mae said.

"So we're screwed," Jane said. "If there Copyright 2016 - 2024