Azure Dragons (Supernatural Shifter Academy #2) - G. Bailey Page 0,37

so see Shade sitting across from me; his gray eyes meet mine for a second, and his mouth twitches in a knowing smile. We haven’t said much since last night, and I can appreciate that. He’s always been a bit of a wild card, and I’m not under any illusions that what happened last night was some kind of a commitment, but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t glad it happened.

Realising I’m staring at him, I feel myself blush, and the wolf shifter just winks at me as if it’s the most normal thing in the world. Charmer.

“You all right, Millie?” Hazel asks from the seat next to me. I watch as her eyes dart from me to Shade, and she raises an eyebrow; I just give my head a nearly imperceptible shake to warn her off.

“Later,” I murmur, my voice muffled by the sound of the other students talking. “After we get to our stop.”

“Got it,” she says, giving me a knowing nod as we lapse back into silence.

“Where the hell is Hunter?” asks Landon, breaking the tension a little as he picks his way up to the front of the car where we’re sitting. “I thought we were supposed to stick together, here.”

“He said something about his dad,” Hazel replies, glancing up at her fellow siren shifter. “It sounds like the school board is having their own meeting today, and he wanted to see if he could get in on it. Not a bad idea, if you ask me.”

Landon raises his eyebrows. “You think?”

“I mean, yeah.” Hazel crosses her arms. “Don’t you? The faculty will probably have a better nose for what’s going on here than we do. If they’re planning some kind of major policy shift, better to hear it from the horse’s mouth. And Hunter is the son of the horse.”

Landon laughs. “I never thought about it that way. You know, he’s pretty sharp, now that I think about it. If he can learn to take advantage of his dad, that could help all of us.”

“Strategising, exactly.” She nods. “Don’t count the guy out just yet, Landon.”

“I never did,” Landon replies, before turning back to me. “So has Amelia given you any more trouble, Boots?”

I shake my head. “None, believe it or not. I mean, I haven’t talked to her since yesterday, but…” I shrug. “No dirty looks, no snarky comments, nothing. I’m honestly a little surprised.”

“We’ll see how long that lasts,” Shade mutters.

“I’ll take as long as I can get,” I reply, and the wolf shifter grins at me. A shiver runs down my back as I remember the feeling of his hands on my body last night, the intensity with which he kissed me. The spark between us continues to grow until I break it off, turning away and shooting a guilty glance at Silas, who’s leaning against a railing by the doors, looking thoughtful. This clearly isn’t lost on Hazel, who follows close behind me as we get off the train, falling into step next to me as we climb the stairs and step out into the bright Boston sunshine.

“Okay,” she says, putting her hands in her pockets, “spill.”

I laugh. “You’re making it sound like I killed a man, or something!”

“More like kissed one,” Hazel retorts, giving me a sly grin. “Which one was it? Wait, don’t tell me - Shade. You guys have been making eyes at each other all morning.”

“Jeez, not so loud,” I protest, laughing. “The whole school’s going to hear us!”

“Oh my god, I was right!” She squeals, clapping her hands. “Millie Brix kissed the school bad boy! So how was he? Tell me everything!”

I feel my cheeks heating up again as we continue to walk. “It was… good,” I reply. “Really good, actually.”

“Okay,” she says, “so then… What's the problem? You’re walking around looking like your grandma just died.”

I sigh. There’s no getting away from it; Hazel is perceptive as hell, and I knew the conversation was going to go this way before I even started it. “It’s Silas,” I reply reluctantly.

“Ah.” The siren shifter nods knowingly. “The classic love triangle.”

“It’s not a love triangle,” I protest. “At least, I don’t think it is.” I let out a frustrated groan. “That’s the problem, Hazel. I don’t know what it is - I don’t know what any of it is. I mean, I like these guys, there’s no denying that. But as far as how they feel about me, or how they’ll feel finding out that Copyright 2016 - 2024