Azure Dragons (Supernatural Shifter Academy #2) - G. Bailey Page 0,32

on the money. Being outside in the sun is what I needed right now, not being trapped at the conference ruminating over the text I received. A fresh breeze buffets us from over the ocean, bringing with it the smell of sea salt and old wood and putting a fresh spring in my step. It’s less than ten minutes before we arrive at the port, and although it’s not exactly picturesque, with a concrete walkway instead of a boardwalk, it’s a pleasant enough change of scenery. Behind us is a stretch of storefronts and well-tended greenery, and we find ourselves leaning against a rusted railing, staring out across the ocean toward the eastern part of the city on the other side of the channel.

We slowly branch away from one another, unbothered by the distance and each lost in his or her own thoughts. I remain where I am; the wind tossing my hair around as my eyes drift closed, slowly relaxing for the first time since the peace talk.

Landon’s voice breaks me out of my trance. “Looks like those two are getting on like a house on fire.” He nods in the direction of Xander and Hazel, who are standing in the shade of a nearby building; she’s jostling him playfully with one shoulder while he feigns outrage.

“I’m happy for her,” I reply. “Xander seems like a good guy.”

“He does,” Landon agrees, “although with only a week here, I wonder how attached she can afford to get.”

“Well,” I say, turning around and leaning back against the railing, “that’s what phones are for.”

Landon laughs. “Touche, Boots.” There’s a pause, and then he grins at me and asks, “So, do you think that would work on you?”


He sidles up next to me, his arm brushing mine. “Oh, you know, gentle touches, long, meaningful looks, telling bad jokes and then pretending they’re the funniest thing in the world… It’s sort of flirting 101.”

“Well, unfortunately I’m not familiar,” I reply, meeting his dark eyes. “But I’ve never thought flirting should be reduced to just those things, either.”

“Thank god for that,” Landon replies, the corner of his mouth turning upward as his eyes sear into mine.

I’m on the verge of asking him what he means when a new voice pulls my attention away. “Look who it is.”

I turn around, and my heart immediately sinks; Lyle is standing behind us, on the other side of a bench. His arms are crossed, and there’s a haughty look in his eye that I don’t like. “What?” I ask, my tone short.

“Just out for a stroll,” he replies, “same as you. Is that not allowed?”

“Depends on your reasons,” I shoot back.

“Don’t flatter yourself, I wasn’t following you,” he says, waving a hand dismissively. “I know better than to pick another fight with the infamous hybrid, right? Knowing when to fold ‘em was always my strong suit.”

“Good,” I reply curtly. “Then you’ll leave me alone.”

Landon looks from me to Lyle, raising his eyebrows. “Is there a problem, here?”

“No,” I tell him, not breaking eye contact with the older student.

“And who might you be?” Lyle asks, turning his attention to the siren shifter. “Another one of her boyfriends? You know, Millie, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you were some kind of slut.”

“Seriously?” Landon crosses his arms. “Do people seriously still say things like that?”

“Evidently,” I reply flatly, mimicking his posture.

Lyle ignores the dig, taking a few slow steps closer to us. I can feel myself tensing up, but Landon’s presence steadies me, and I force myself to calm down; I don’t want this turning into another fight. “You know, I’ve been asking around about you,” Lyle says, staring down at me with derision in his eyes. “Call it… professional curiosity. Especially after you sent me packing the way you did after class the other day. They always hype hybrids up, you know? But you’re never expecting them to actually be able to do it.”

“Well,” I reply, “I’m happy to disappoint.”

“It wouldn’t be the first time,” Lyle says, a cruel smile appearing on his face. “I did some digging on you, Brix,” he continues. “By the sounds of it, you stirred up all sorts of trouble back at your home school. What was it I heard, again…? Something about top-secret experiments?”

“Not so top-secret now, I guess,” Landon remarks dryly.

“How the hell did you find all this out about me, Lyle?” I demand, staring defiantly up at him.

The older boy sniffs. “It’s not that hard to find information, if you know Copyright 2016 - 2024