Azure Dragons (Supernatural Shifter Academy #2) - G. Bailey Page 0,20

thought I’d actually meet one.”

I open my mouth to ask what sort of rumours he’s referring to, but think better of it at the last minute. I’m already on edge from my introduction to the class, and I don’t like where this conversation is going. There’s something off-putting about this guy, and I feel exposed under his gaze. I clear my throat and return my gaze to the front of the room without responding.

“Silent treatment, eh?” Lyle sighs, shaking his head. “You girls are all the same. Offended by a bit of friendly conversation. You’d think shifters would be better at it than humans, but I guess you’d be wrong.” I set my jaw, not responding. I can’t tell if he’s intentionally trying to provoke me or just being an ass, but I can feel myself getting agitated, the magic in my stomach waking up even as I try to keep a level head. Lyle doesn’t seem to take the hint. “What, you’re just going to ignore me? Not very nice, considering I’m your RA.”

Hunter turns back around in his seat, his blue eyes darting from me to Lyle as the older student speaks. He’s gripping the back of his chair so hard that his knuckles are turning white, an uncharacteristically fierce look appearing on his face. He looks like he’s about to speak up when Professor Cochran begins to talk, silencing the class and bringing our attention back to the front of the room. Saved by the bell, so to speak.

As per usual, the class consists of theory and practice, similar to how the lessons are structured back at the home campus. Cochran takes her time lecturing us about a couple of significant events in the history of vampire shifters, and then we break into groups to practice shifting. I end up with a couple of other girls who seem to be having an easier time with it than I am, although my struggles are as much due to anxiety as to problems concentrating; I can feel Lyle’s eyes on me throughout the class, even though he’s on the other side of the room, and every time I look up he just gives me that wolfish, unsettling smile, like he’s reveling in my discomfort. It’s only by watching Hunter that I’m able to calm myself down, although he seems as distracted by Lyle’s words as I am. He’s partnered with his sister, whose demeanor softens around him as she patiently tries to coax any sort of transformation out of him, but no dice. In spite of his best efforts, he remains thoroughly human, if pale, and the frustration on his face is evident by the time the exercise ends.

Vampire form is one of the easier ones for me - that and siren seem to have come to me most easily since I started at the Academy. Granted, I’ve managed to get into all of my forms at least once, although some of them are more a struggle than others - dragon, especially, which I haven’t been able to replicate since the one time I transformed while fighting Samantha. It doesn’t help that Lyle has me shaken up for the remainder of the class, and it’s almost a relief when the bell finally rings and we begin to file out. I hang back until most of the students have dispersed, and then make my way outside and onto the quad, hoping to get some fresh air. Not the best start here, all things considered, but at least there was no overt crisis - even if Lyle is shaping up to be a thorn in my side.

Famous last words.

Almost immediately after I step onto the grassy lawn, I find myself face-to-face with the older shifter once again. He’s leaning against one of the statues, his arms crossed over his chest, seemingly waiting for another chance to talk to me. “So, I was thinking,” he says, coming to stand in front of me, “maybe you and I should have a drink together. I know you’re not technically old enough here, but I am, so…” He shrugs, smirking. “It might loosen you up a little bit.”

I glare at him. “And why do you think I need to loosen up?”

“You just seem so tense,” Lyle replies coolly, raising an eyebrow. “I mean, listen, Millie, now’s your chance to open up a bit. You’re here, you’re unsupervised… and you’ve got an upperclassman who’s very interested in getting to know you.” That predatory grin appears on Copyright 2016 - 2024