Azure Dragons (Supernatural Shifter Academy #2) - G. Bailey Page 0,18

next door or anything, but if you guys all want to be close…”

In spite of the obvious problem that they must have overheard us swapping conspiracy theories about the Academy, I feel a wave of relief as I turn to Hazel. “I… Wow,” she says, blinking, a small smile of her own echoing Xander’s. “That would be fantastic, thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” Ruby replies. “We’d be lying if we said we weren’t excited about having U.K. students here. You guys will be the first international shifters we’ve ever met.”

“Likewise, actually,” says Silas, and he begins to nod to each of us. “My name’s Silas Aconite. This here is Hunter Ash—his parents are on the Academy board. Then we have Shade Ivis, Landon Thyme…” His eyes come to rest on me. “And this is Millie Brix.”

“And my name is Hazel,” Hazel finishes. “Hazel Harris. AKA the person who owes you guys both a big favour.”

“Oh, please,” Ruby laughs, flapping a hand at her. “It’s our pleasure. Although…” She and her brother exchange a look, although the look in their eyes is one of good humour. “What’s all this about kidnappings and experiments?”

If you asked me a while ago how I would feel about the prospect of sharing a suite with four other, incredibly attractive guys—who also happen to be both my classmates and the source of my powers - I would have balked. Surprisingly, though, our first night in the dorms wasn’t nearly as awkward as I was expecting it to be. I think it helps that even though our rooms are connected, there’s still a level of privacy in each having our own bedroom. Even more surprisingly, instead of nerves or jitters at being within feet of these guys—all of whom have me feeling more confused than I’ve ever been in my life—there’s something comforting about it, a sense of oneness that I can’t put my finger on. As cliche as it sounds, being in the same living quarters as the guys feels right, somehow, like it’s meant to be, and when I’m not struggling to put labels on my feelings for each of them, I find myself put at ease by their presence. The last time—the only time—I’ve been in such close proximity to a guy was the night that I spent with Silas, which I haven’t forgotten… but having them all near is a nice feeling, at the end of the day.

Unlike at our campus, the dining hall at the American Academy is a separate building from the academic one. Although the breakfast spread this morning was no less impressive, although a touch more heavy. The only downside to this all is the fact that the very next day, our classes have already started back up, and that means we’ll have to wait until the first day of the conference to really experience the city. Still, you can’t win them all, I guess, and it’s still an adventure. Funny that I should be so used to the Academy already that just a change of scenery qualifies as an adventure.

Hazel and I have already parted ways with the other guys now that breakfast is over, and we’re standing in one of the upstairs hallways now, trying to make sense of a campus map that was provided to us at dinner last night. “God, this place is confusing,” she mutters.

“I think you’re holding it the wrong way,” I tell her, pointing. “That’s the Siren wing, right? So you should go up a level.”

“Really?” She frowns. “I thought that was down a level.”

“Is it…?” I furrow my brow. “Shit, I think you’re right. So then where the hell do I go? I have vampire shifting next!” I rake a hand through my hair. “I should’ve stuck with Hunter.”

“Come on, you know his sister’s going to make life difficult for you,” Hazel tells me. “Better to just give her a wide berth, I think.”

I sigh. “Maybe you’re right. So how are the Murakami twins?”

“Fantastic,” she tells me, her eyes bright. “Seriously. It’s nice to know I’m close to the rest of you guys, and as for them…” A sly grin appears on her face. “That Xander isn’t too hard on the eyes, is he?”

I raise an eyebrow. “I guess not. Are you interested?”

She just winks at me. “That would be giving it away,” she teases, and then nudges me playfully. “Well, I guess I’d better go upstairs, then. Don’t want to be late to my first class here. Do you think you can Copyright 2016 - 2024