Awakening the Fire - By Ally Shields Page 0,77

make that mistake again.

Lucien stared at her. “I don’t think you understand the situation.”

“Maybe not, but I know how to remedy that little problem.”

She grabbed her cell and dug out the scrap of paper from Ryan. It rang so long she’d almost given up when Andreas finally answered.

“What’s going on?” she demanded. “Lucien is here in my office.”

“What has he said?”

“That Prince Daron wants to see me. He won’t say why, except it has something to do with a dead vampire. This isn’t another accusation of Ari as a vampire hunter, is it?”

“Unfair, Ari. I apologized for that. Frederick was murdered in his sleep. Do you understand what that implies?”

“I think so.” Among other things, it meant the vampires had a problem they couldn’t handle. A daylight killer.

Lucien watched Ari during the conversation with a blank expression, but she saw the angry flicker in his eyes. She was pretty sure this “consult” hadn’t been his idea.

“So, what’s this got to do with me?” she said into the phone. “Come on, Andreas, talk to me.”

She heard a heavy sigh. “I suggest you meet with Prince Daron and find out for yourself. I honestly don’t know what he decided. And I would rather not speculate.” The line was silent for a moment. “What concerns you, Arianna?”

“I don’t know these guys. And no one, including you, is giving me much information. All I know for sure is a really old vamp wants to meet on his own territory. After Sebastian, I have trust issues.”

Andreas chuckled. “Always honest. An invitation from Daron’s court is an honor not frequently offered to outsiders.”

“Yeah, well, it just feels dangerous to me. Why didn’t you deliver the message?”

“The situation has been…complicated, since Frederick’s death. And I didn’t know they intended to approach you so soon. Would it make a difference if I told you I would be there? And guaranteed your safety?”

Ari thought it over, chewed her lower lip. Something had changed between her and Andreas on the night of Yana’s death. She felt safer with him than other vampires, but did she trust him this much? Would he deliberately put her in danger? Probably not, but how could he guarantee her safety? Daron was reputed to be more than 500 years old. As old or older than Sebastian. Could Andreas stand against his prince…or would he even try? Ari didn’t think so. She had to be crazy to consider this.

On the other hand, Daron’s request was unprecedented, a rare chance to see the inner court. It was tempting. Lucien had quit harping about the Second Chance incident, and she couldn’t think of anything else she’d done recently to piss off the vampires.

Besides, Andreas would owe her.

“All right. As long as you’ll be there, I’ll do it,” she said. She’d survived the encounter with Sebastian. Maybe her luck would hold. “But I’m not going anywhere with Lucien,” she added.

“You are the most obstinate witch.” Andreas’s voice was both exasperated and amused. “Club Dintero. Say, forty-five minutes. Now let me talk to Lucien.”

The vampires didn’t talk long. When it was over, Lucien rose to leave. “Don’t be late. Your absurd demands have taken Andreas from more important duties.”

Since she’d won that round, Ari let him have the last word. She didn’t even smirk at Lucien’s back.

Chapter Twenty-Six

Andreas was waiting outside when she approached Club Dintero five minutes ahead of the agreed time. From a block away, she saw him leaning against a lamppost, casual, relaxed, as if he could wait forever. Then he saw her and straightened, his figure suddenly purposeful, a sleeping predator awakening.

“Arianna,” he said as she drew near.

She smiled in return, rather uncertain. His dark eyes studied her face, and she finally looked away.

Ari hadn’t seen him or talked with him since the day Yana died. They had forged an unexpected intimacy that evening, and she wasn’t sure what it meant or what she thought about it. This first meeting felt awkward.

Andreas took the lead with a matter-of-fact tone. “We must hurry. I don’t like leaving the prince, even in the capable hands of Lucien and Carmella.”

Ari hurried to keep up with his long strides. “So you do protect the Prince?” She could do business talk. No problem.

“Yes. I am one of Daron’s lieutenants. Lucien is another, and Carmella. Frederick was the fourth.” He gave her a quick look. “I am telling you this because it will be helpful for your meeting with the prince.”

“Can’t you tell me what he wants?”

“We shall all know soon.” He Copyright 2016 - 2024