Awakening the Fire - By Ally Shields Page 0,67

might be willing to chat, if we can be quick about it.”

“Are you sure about this?” Zoe had dropped her voice, making Ari wonder how often Zoe dealt with vampires and their superior hearing.

Ari shrugged. “I don’t have anything better to do between now and then. And Prince Daron would want me to pay respects on his behalf.”

She wasn’t ignoring Andreas’s warning, but there was something to learn here. No matter what Andreas said, she couldn’t let the opportunity get away. So what if Sebastian and Daron weren’t friends? How big a deal could that be?

The vamps reached for Zoe’s car doors.

“Hey, guys. This isn’t a done deal yet. I need your boss’s assurance I’ll make my flight.” Ari crossed her arms. She wanted Sebastian’s agreement, but she was also stalling for time. Time and an opportunity to get the notebooks out of sight.

The vampires looked at her as if uncertain what to do next.

“Well, call him,” she said.

“You don’t call Sebastian.” The dark-skinned vamp blurted the words.

“Why not? Doesn’t he have a phone?”

“’Course he has a phone.” The guy with the tattoos again.

“Then call him or give me the number. I’ll talk to him.”

Still looking uncomfortable, the tattooed guy pulled out a cell phone and walked several yards away, motioning for his buddy to join him.

Ari turned to Zoe, pointed to the notebooks and then the trunk. Zoe nodded. Hoping the vampires were too busy to pay close attention, Ari whispered, “This is your opportunity to bail. You don’t have to come unless they insist. I’ll take care of this. If we split up, you’d be available to mount a rescue.”

“That was a very nice try, Ari, but forget it. I’m sticking. Can’t let you have all the fun.”

“That's fine. But remember that I offered.” Ari gave her a brief grin. “Now tell me about your badass prince.”

While they picked up the notebooks and filled the trunk, the vamps watched from a distance, absorbed in their phone conversation.

“Never met Sebastian,” Zoe confessed, “but he’s one of the older vampires that migrated from Europe, and everyone’s scared of him. He’s into torturing people, even his own. You cross him, you disappear. Regarding his ties to the drug trade or Molyneux, I can’t even guess. Nothing would surprise me. Wish I had more for you, but Sebastian doesn’t allow me any contact. Not even through the Magic Council. I rarely see the vampires.”

The prince was a real charmer, Ari thought. But not so unusual for what she knew of the old ones who hadn’t adapted to modern society. Made Prince Daron seem like a saint. Ari stole a quick glance at the two vampires. They were arguing. Maybe setting up a meeting hadn’t been such a good idea.

“So how do you do your job,” Ari asked, “when your Council has no authority over the vampires?”

Zoe shrugged. “This is a large Otherworld community. Believe me, I have enough to do without them. Sebastian is chief judge and executioner in his own territory, and he keeps his people away from the human population. Mostly.” She turned away to put the last journal in the trunk. “I’ve heard they use human blood donors. I just hope they’re willing.”

Ari frowned, still watching the vamps argue. “It’s a different world up here. Almost like the vampires don’t exist.”

“Until something like this happens.” Zoe followed Ari’s gaze to the argument. “That doesn’t seem to be going well.”

The tattooed guy broke away and stomped toward them. It struck Ari that he seemed familiar, but maybe it was just the scowl on his face. He wasn’t happy with whatever decision had been reached. He stopped in front of Zoe. “You. Get in the car. Pierre will go with you. You,” he pointed a finger at Ari, “come with me.”

“No way. Not until I hear what’s going on.” Ari wasn’t about to let these underlings take control. It would be bad enough once they reached the prince.

“That goes for me too.” Zoe folded her arms.

He was really pissed now. The veins in his throat bulged, but his voice stayed flat. “Sebastian will meet you near the airport. You can make your flight if you don’t keep wasting time.”

Zoe and Ari exchanged looks. This didn’t sound like the Sebastian they’d discussed. Too accommodating. He must want something really bad.

“Need to make a call first,” Ari said, waving her cell phone. This rushed meeting was giving her a bad feeling. Not a witchy kind of feeling, just that stirring in the gut, Copyright 2016 - 2024