Awakening the Fire - By Ally Shields Page 0,44

her own, talking with barkeeps, listening to chatter. She haunted the public vampire hangouts. Ari kept her questions casual, answers vague, not wanting to add fuel to new or existing rumors. She put out the story that she had important information for Gordon, that she wanted to speak to him or anyone who could deliver a message to him. She hoped she’d turn up a nest mate, but no one responded. It had been a long shot; the vampires rarely volunteered to talk with authorities. She didn’t have the option of knocking on his door. Even if Gordon had a door, she’d never find the vampire’s hidden base on her own. Besides, even she wasn’t reckless enough to enter a private vamp nest alone.

By the third unsuccessful afternoon, she admitted she needed help. Vampire help. And this was beyond Rita’s pay grade. Ari swallowed her pride or her fears, whichever was dominant at the moment, and called the club. Andreas was her best bet. He had a vested interest in any outcome that might produce Marcus.

The woman who answered the phone said she’d have to see if Andreas was around. Ari gave her name and waited to see what he would do. He didn’t leave her dangling for long. Within seconds, the voice returned stating he wasn’t available.

Ari considered her response and left a message. “Tell him I have news of Marcus.” She wasn’t above using bait.

Five minutes later, her cell rang.

“You told me you knew nothing about Marcus,” he said without preamble. He was annoyed. Even annoyed, his voice sounded good.

“That was then,” Ari said, nerves making her flippant, “this is now.”

“Do you actually know anything useful?” he asked, his tone impatient, suspicious.

“Yes, but I won’t discuss it on the phone. I want to meet.”

“Why? I believe you told me to stay away from you.”

Hmm, yes, she had. And apparently she’d pricked his male pride. He didn’t intend to be agreeable about this. So, she told him the truth. “Yeah, well, something’s come up. And I want you to hear me out without the option of hanging up.”

He sighed. “Another scheme, madam witch?”

“Information. And a proposition,” she countered.

“Could you possibly be more cryptic?”

“Probably.” A chuckle escaped her. “But I’m not going to tell you anything else until we meet.”

“You drive a hard bargain.” He paused while he seemed to be thinking it over. “Come to the club tonight. We can talk between sets, if that suits you.”

She agreed and hung up. She knew he’d be singing, and she needed more than a few minutes to explain her plan—and a lot of convincing after that—but it was a start. And it couldn’t hurt to put her best foot forward. That would take prep work.

Ari begged and pleaded shamelessly. Claris hated the whole idea. She didn’t want Ari to go to the club alone. Definitely not after a makeover. She put the temptation of vampires in the same category as teasing venomous snakes. Probably a good analogy, but Ari didn’t want to seduce him, just get his attention. They wasted an hour arguing. When Claris realized Ari wouldn’t change her mind, she caved.

Ari lugged seven outfits from her apartment to Claris’s kitchen. Some had never been worn. Most were things that had caught her eye, but the chance to wear them had never come up. Claris tried to reject them all. Too short, too tight, too red, too revealing. In the end, they matched a white, silky blouse with black pants, fitted over the hips and ending in flowing legs. Dressy but not too formal. With the addition of a silver chain belt, matching earrings, and black strappy heels that added four inches, the outfit was complete. Claris objected to the low neckline but admitted the overall look was rather striking.

The controversial decisions made, Claris turned her expertise to hair and makeup. When she stepped back, Ari snatched the mirror and hardly recognized the cascade of loose blonde curls.

“Are you sure?” Ari asked. She’d never tried the curly routine before. Not like this.

“Oh yes.” Claris laughed. “I almost feel sorry for Andreas. How’s he going to say no to that face?”

Ari knew her best friend was biased, but the effect wasn’t bad. She studied her reflection again.

“Do you know what you’re doing, girl?”

She sure hoped so.

Chapter Sixteen

Ari timed her arrival at Club Dintero for late in the evening, nearly 11:00 p.m. She hoped it would allow more time for conversation if the dinner crowd had cleared, but people were still in Copyright 2016 - 2024