The Awakening (The Dragon Heart Legacy #1) - Nora Roberts Page 0,97

he’d suit her for it.”

“A riding lesson,” Marg said before Breen could object, “a patient and gentle one, would be a fine way for Breen to get some air after being closed up in the workshop.”

“I’d rather walk.”

“Walking won’t take you as far as a good horse.” Keegan cocked his head at her. “Sure you’re not afraid to sit one?”

“Since I haven’t sat on one, that I remember, I don’t know.”

“Best find out then. It’s good ale, thanks.” He started out, stopped to kiss Marg’s cheek, then continued on.

“You loved riding as a child,” Marg told her. “It’s in you.”

“Maybe.” As she stepped out, she had to remind herself she liked horses. What she didn’t like was the idea of getting thrown, or losing control and having a horse run off with her bouncing all over the saddle.

“He knows his job,” Keegan told her. “But you’ll make him anxious if you get up on him all quivering.”

“I’m not quivering.” Maybe a little—inside. But she stepped up.

“You’ll want to mount from his other side, unless you want to ride facing his arse.”

Great start, she thought, and went around to the other side of the horse. “There’s no horn on the saddle. You know, something to grab on to.”

“You’re not in your Wild West with the lasso. I’ve been there,” he added. “It’s a vast place, it is, and I see the purpose of those big, heavy saddles there, but that’s a different world. You’ll have a rein in each hand. You’ll pull the left to go left, right to go right, both to stop. Put your foot in the stirrup and swing your other leg over.”

“Give her a leg up, as a gentleman would,” Marg called from the doorway, but Breen swung her leg over and managed to plant herself.

“Other foot in. Aye, that’s the right length for you. A rein in each hand. Hold them like this.”

He showed her, and because he seemed patient enough, she concentrated on relaxing.

Keegan swung on the leather duster, then mounted Merlin, turned him around. “Left rein, smooth and easy to turn him.”

“Just a walk now, Keegan, till the girl finds her seat. And have her back by the evening meal.”

“She’ll be fine, don’t fret. Heels down, knees in.”

She was riding a horse, Breen thought, and it was . . . okay.

When they got to the road, she turned him again—to the right this time. It didn’t seem so hard, at least not at this pace, this easy clip-clop under a sky that had gone pale blue, and through air that had warmed since the rain ended.

She glanced down to see Bollocks trotting along beside her.

“The dog’s with us. Is that all right?”

“The horses don’t mind dogs; the dog doesn’t mind horses.”

He made her stop, then start again. Made her stop, then get the horse to back up, then go forward. He turned off the road onto a trail that wound through woods where the light went soft and the air cooled.

She saw something come out of an enormous tree before racing away in a blur.

“Elves—some young ones—playing.”

“But . . . was he in the tree?”


A bear ran across the trail, then stopped to give them a good look. Breen’s throat slammed shut so her scream came out as a gurgle. And the bear raced off into the trees.


“A were, and a young one. They’re just having a lark in the woods. You’ll need to get used to seeing such things.”

“How do you know if it’s a were or an actual bear that wants to eat you?”

“Bears, those that are the animal only, are more interested in berries than in you. But if you cross paths with one and he takes a dislike to you, you’ll know quick enough.”

He turned to her, as at ease on the stallion as another might have been in a BarcaLounger. “That’s why you learn the sword, the arrow, how to ride at a gallop as well as magicks. It’s survival and it’s duty.”

“I made charms today.”

“Charms, is it? Well then, that’ll send Odran packing in a hurry.”

“Don’t be dismissive. I’ve had dismissive all my life, and I’m done with it. The point is, I’m here and I’m learning. And right now I’m sitting on a goddamn horse.”

Boy saw his chance, swung his head over to grab some tasty-looking leaves. While her stomach pitched in panic, Breen let out a squeal as she slid in the saddle.

Keegan grabbed her arm to right her. “Control him, as he’ll take any opportunity Copyright 2016 - 2024