Autumn Page 0,69

from the ominous, swirling clouds overhead, turning the once gently trickling stream beside the house into a wild torrent of white water.

For the first time in several days the survivors had started up the generator. It had seemed sensible to presume that the noise of the squally weather would drown out the constant mechanical thump of the machinery. Sick of sitting in darkness, Michael had decided that it was worth taking the risk for a little comfort.

Relatively relaxed and oblivious to the appalling conditions outside, Michael, Emma and Carl sat in the living room together watching a video in the warmth of an open fire. Michael was quickly bored by the video - a badly dubbed martial arts film which he'd seen several times since they'd taken it from the supermarket in Byster - and yet he was pleased to be sitting where he was. Whilst what remained of the population suffered outside, he was warm, dry and well fed. Even Carl had been tempted down from the attic. Their evening together had provided a brief but much needed respite from the alternating pressure and boredom of what remained of their lives.

Emma found it hard to watch the film. Not just because it was one of the worst films she'd ever had the misfortune to see, but also because it aroused a number of unexpected and uncomfortable emotions within her. Whilst doing a good job of distracting her from everything that was happening around her for a time, the film also reminded her of the life she used to lead. She couldn't really identify with anything - the characters, their accents, the locations, the plot and the incidental music all seemed alien - and yet at the same time it was all instantly familiar and safe. In a scene depicting a car chase through busy Hong Kong streets she found herself watching the people in the background going about their everyday business instead of the violent physical action taking place in the foreground. She watched the people with a degree of envy. How novel and unexpected it was to see a clean city and to see individuals moving around with reason and purpose and acting and reacting with each other. Emma also felt a cold unease in the pit of her stomach. She couldn't help but look into the faces of each one of the actors and think about what might have happened to them in the years since the film had been made. She saw hundreds of different people - each one with their own unique identity, family and life - and she knew that virtually all of them would by now be dead.

The end of the film was rapidly approaching, and a huge set-piece battle between the hero and villain was imminent. The filmmakers were less than subtle in their attention grabbing techniques. The main character had driven into a vast warehouse and now found himself alone. The lighting was sparse and moody and the overly dramatic orchestral soundtrack was building to an obvious crescendo. Then the music stopped suddenly and, as the hero of the film waited for his opponent to appear, the house became silent.

Emma jumped out of her seat.

'What's the matter?' Michael asked, immediately concerned.

For a few long seconds she didn't answer. She stood still in the middle of the room, her face screwed up with concentration.

'Emma...' Michael pressed.

'Shh...' she hissed.

Oblivious and disinterested, Carl cocked his head to the right so that he could see past Emma who was standing in the way of the television.

She looked frightened. Michael was worried.

'What is it?' he asked again.

'I heard something...' she replied, her voice low.

'It was probably just the film,' he said, trying desperately to play things down. His mouth was dry. He felt nervous. Emma wasn't the type to make a fuss for no reason.

'No,' she snapped, scowling at him. 'I heard something outside, I'm sure I did.'

The film soundtrack burst into life again, startling her. With her heart in her mouth she reached down and switched off the television.

'I was watching that,' Carl protested.

'For fuck's sake, shut up,' she barked at him.

There it was again. A definite new and indistinct noise coming from outside. It wasn't the wind and it wasn't the rain and she hadn't imagined it.

Michael heard it too.

Without saying another word Emma ran from the living room into the dark kitchen. She quickly threaded her way around the table and Copyright 2016 - 2024