Autumn Feast - Charlie Richards Page 0,46

to fight,” Azrael lunged at him. When he did, he found nothing but air. He turned. Ravish was sitting on top of the Inn’s thatched roof. He waved at him.

Azrael flew up in the air and grabbed the demon by the throat. He knocked him off the roof, propelling him toward a tree, where he pinned him. Ravish was laughing at him, which made Azrael angry. They were so close, Azrael could feel his body melding against his. His powers grew weak. It was as if he was falling into an abyss. Ravish reached out and held him up. “Do you want to kill me, Angel, or would you rather kiss me?”

Azrael struggled to make words.

Ravish pulled him even closer and pressed his mouth against his. The kiss was sublime. Azrael was lost. Then he fell. Ravish had let him go. Azrael found himself sitting on the ground.

Ravish was gone. Azrael was enraged. How dare he?

From that moment on, Azrael devoted all his time and energy to finding Ravish. He told himself he was pursuing him because he was going to kill him, but deep down, Azrael knew there was more to it than that.

After a while, Michael ordered him to let Ravish go. “There are plenty of demons to destroy,” he told him. “Your obsession with Ravish is taking too much time. Forget him. Someone else will take care of him.”

Azrael tried to obey, but he couldn’t get Ravish out of his mind. His pursuit continued, eventually leading him to The Place In Between.

When Azrael arrived in that dismal place, Hamish, its guardian, was there to greet him. Tall and handsome, Hamish presented an intimidating figure as he regarded Azrael’s arrival curiously. “What brings you here, Angel?”

“Am I not welcome? I hear you haven’t taken sides, and that you welcome all who seek refuge.”

“Yes, but I suspect it is not refuge you are seeking.”

“He is here, isn’t he?” Azrael pointed at Hamish. “I trust you will not interfere.”

“I have no interest in your battle with Ravish,” Hamish explained. “However, I will not have your war spilling into this world. If you are looking to take the demon prisoner, then take him and go. If you linger and disturb the order, you will deal with me, Angel.”

Azrael lowered his head. “Very well. May I roam freely?”

Hamish floated his hand around the dark and dismal street. “Surrender your sword, then go where you will. Be forewarned, I will not be responsible for your welfare.”

“Or for his?” Azrael met his gaze.

“I am not his protector, nor am I yours,” Hamish reiterated.

“May I keep my lasso?”

“Certainly, and I will give you back the sword as you leave,” Hamish told him.

Azrael watched Hamish walk away. All around him were strange whispers. He was being watched, and he knew his presence there was not being celebrated. He felt threatened and uneasy as he wandered the haunted streets, especially vulnerable without his weapon. “Where are you, Ravish?” He called out. “I know you’re here, hiding like the coward you are.”

“Looking for me?” Ravish suddenly popped up in front of him, a broad smile on his face. “So nice to see you, my angelic nemesis. I’ve missed you.”

Azrael reached for his sword out of habit then remembered.

“Oops,” Ravish said. “Hamish took it. Oh well.” He began walking beside him as if they were old friends. “What do you think of this place? Not so bad, with some picture frames and a few throw pillows?”

Azrael shook his head. “You’re quite insane. Killing you wouldn’t seem right.”

“You didn’t come here to kill me, Azrael.” His face was close.

Azrael gave him a shove. “I can’t kill you here. I promised Hamish. We will go elsewhere.” Azrael produced a golden rope which he lassoed around Ravish’s wrists and ankles. “You are coming with me.”

He knew Ravish couldn’t escape. The golden lasso was made to hold demons, especially precocious ones like him.

There were sounds of sorrow as Azrael led his prisoner through the streets.

“Don’t worry, my friends,” Ravish called out, “we’ll come for a visit, after the honeymoon.”

“Shut up,” Azrael told him. “You won’t be coming at all.”

“Pity.” He smiled. “You do realize what you just said.”

“Not everything is sexual in nature, pervert,” Azrael retorted.

“It is for me,” he replied softly.

Hamish met them at the portal. “I see you found what you came for, Angel.”

“I did, and I thank you, Hamish. Come on, Demon. Your time is at hand.”

Azrael glanced around the room now at Hamish, Liam, and Ravish. “That’s it. As Copyright 2016 - 2024