Autumn Feast - Charlie Richards Page 0,27

ready, I’d love to hear the latest Hazel Woods news. Is it true Phoenix threatened to toss Adrianna out of the clan?” The two women left the room, chattering quietly.

Andrei shot Kirill a questioning look, but Kirill shrugged.

“My mate is the biggest gossip.” Although Ian sighed, the lovey-dovey look on his face told Andrei he didn’t mind Rose’s hobby too much.

Kirill nudged him in the side. “Come on, love. Let’s see what the dads are up to. Maybe they’ll let us stay for dinner.”

“Dinner?” It was only two. “What aren’t you telling me?”

A blush spread over Kirill’s pale features. “I may have an appointment with Haley at four. She wants to discuss the order of songs that’ll be played by the band during the Harvest Festival.”

Andrei laughed. “You’re a sneaky fucker.”

Viktor’s house should’ve been a place of chaos and destruction, given that three cubs were simultaneously learning to walk, talk, and throw things all the time. But the place was pristine as ever, though littered with toys. Andrei sat on the sofa with Tara, who chewed on a teething ring, perched on his lap. She’d cried earlier because her gums obviously hurt, but she’d calmed down once Andrei picked her up and threw her in the air a couple of times.

Shea sat beside him and ate a banana, a sleeping Noah in his arms. The little one had dropped like a stone after playing with Uncle Kirill. Kirill was on the rug before the fireplace, stacking blocks with a wide-eyed Georgia.

“Kil,” she said, handing Kirill a red block with her chubby hand.

Shea smiled indulgently. “Thanks for coming. Viktor’s busy in his office, going over some stuff with Phoenix and Juri. Miss Teething was driving her siblings crazy before you dropped by. I didn’t know who to console first. Georgia lost her patience and started throwing her blocks at Tara. Noah was in the way, and I managed to snatch him before he was clocked in the head.”

“Mary had an appointment today, so we took full advantage. I know how much Kirill misses seeing you all on a daily basis. He’s been awfully busy.”

Shea smirked. “Trying to impress the clan, I’d wager. It’s important to take breaks, or he’ll burn out. Admittedly, I didn’t have much time to grow into the alpha mate role before Viktor stepped back. But I see Juri doing the same thing, although he’s lived in Hazel Woods all his life. Phoenix had to remind him the clan loves him already without his having to prove his worth.”

Andrei hummed, kissing Tara’s fluffy brown hair. “Rose mentioned something earlier. Trouble between Phoenix and Adrianna?” Phoenix had taken over leadership of the clan the past winter after a challenge to Juri, Viktor’s oldest son. Although Juri had lost the challenge, he’d found his mate in Phoenix.

Shea sighed. “Adrianna.” Her name fell from his lips like a curse. No surprise there, since she was Viktor’s ex-wife and the mother of Juri, Stefan, and Kirill. “She and Hetty Taft set out to slander Devin.”

Kirill looked up from his fight with Georgia over a green block. “Hetty? The waitress from the diner?”

Shea nodded. “She had a run-in with Devin and his kids before he got together with Stefan. She was rude, accused him of not being able to care for his kids because he was a single omega.”

“What a bitter old hag.” Andrei gently rubbed Tara’s chubby leg. “Everyone knows what a devoted father Devin is.”

Placing Noah against his shoulder, Shea leaned toward the side table and disposed of his banana peel. “Well, Adrianna is a friend of hers. The two women informed shifter child service.”

“What the—” Kirill broke off with a quick glance at Georgia. He relinquished his hold on the block and ruffled her hair. “My mother called child service on her own son-in-law?”

“Yeah. Apparently, she was against Stefan and Devin’s mating. Thought she’d kill two birds with one stone. Stefan was livid when he found out. Devin had given birth to their third child the day before when child services dropped by unannounced. Stefan isn’t Tommy and Beth’s biological father, but he loves them just the same. He immediately hurried over here to get Viktor’s help. Crashed a meeting between Phoenix, Viktor, and another alpha from a wolf pack.” Shea snickered. “It was quite exciting. The last time I saw Vik so mad, your enforcer had attacked Kirill.”

Andrei winced, remembering the incident. “Damn. What happened then?”

Kirill was playing with Georgia, but his focus was on their conversation. His cheeks Copyright 2016 - 2024