Autumn Feast - Charlie Richards Page 0,23

to write.

After graduating from college in English language and translation, she divides her day between writing, reading, taking care of her son and reading some more.

You can find her on Facebook and Twitter or on her website: authorcatherinelievens.wordpress


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Harvest Blessings


Liza Kay

In Paw’s Cove, every season has a reason for joy...

When Kirill mated with Alpha Andrei Bazin, little did he realize his organizational skills would be put to the test! While Andrei is occupied with training his enforcers, speaking with prospective clan members, and overseeing construction of new houses for the growing clan, Kirill finds himself at the helm of the Paw’s Cove Harvest Festival and Feast. Daunted barely describes how Kirill is feeling—overwhelmed and inadequate may be closer to the mark.

Kirill’s gung-ho assistant is wearing him down with her enthusiasm for the upcoming event, and she’s also bringing out his insecurities about his place in the pack. Add to that the impending birth of Kirill and Andrei’s first child, carried by Andrei’s cousin Mary, who graciously offered to be their surrogate, and Kirill has a whole lot on his mind and on his plate.

Kirill and Andrei are finding it difficult to have alone time what with all the various demands being placed on them. But they have to hold it together, for the sake of the clan and for their unborn child. More than an annual festival, this harvest blessing will bring a joy like no other.


For my readers.

Chapter One

“And these are the proposals for the stage decorations. I pre-selected three designs you can choose from. Personally, I think we should go with the same color scheme we picked for the wagons and the marching band uniforms.” Haley leaned over his shoulder and placed another stack of folders on the desk. Her strawberry scent was extremely strong today. Kirill couldn’t help but sneeze.

He grabbed a tissue from the box on his desk and blew his nose. “Haley, why are you doing this to me?”

She sighed, threw back her long hair in one of her typical grand gestures, and placed her hands on her hips. “Well, you wanted the job.”

“I don’t remember volunteering to be the chooser of color schemes and marching band uniforms.” He slammed his pen on the desk in frustration and leaned back in his chair. Reaching up, he tried to massage the knots out of his neck. Kirill sure as fuck had more important things to worry about this time of the year than décor or fashion choices.

“You volunteered to become alpha mate, genius. Congratulations. You didn’t think the position only involved hot sex with the alpha, did you?” Haley squeezed his shoulder with a huge grin and an inappropriate wink.

“And there goes that hope.” Kirill rubbed his eyes. “Why don’t you pick the stage decorations? You’re more passionate when it comes to the festival than I am.”

“Paw’s Cove is your home, Kirill. And the annual Harvest Festival and Feast is one of the most important events in town! We’ve been celebrating this day since the town was founded—”

“By the first alpha in 1895. I know.”

Haley sniffed and lifted her nose. “Right. He was a great-great-great-whatever grandfather of mine. So show some respect and decide on the fucking decorations, will you? There’s only three weeks left until the big day.”

When the door opened, Kirill sighed in relief. Only one man had the balls to enter his office without knocking. “Thank God! Rescue me.”

Andrei sauntered into the room, a smirk on his sexy face and a twinkle in his ice blue eyes. “Haley.” He dipped his head. “Busy driving my mate crazy again? Have some mercy. He’s a father-to-be.”

“His stress level will only increase once the munchkin is born.” Haley left her spot behind Kirill and walked toward Andrei. “If he can’t organize one tiny festival without breaking down, how will he—”

Andrei lifted his hand. “Enough. You earned yourself a break, Haley. Leave us alone.”

Haley immediately lowered her gaze and offered her neck to Andrei as she hurried past him. She closed the door quietly behind her, leaving them together.

“I wish I had your talent for shutting her up.” Kirill threw his hands in the air and growled. “What the hell do I know about color schemes?” He gave the pile on his desk a shove. “It’s a fucking harvest festival with a huge potluck for the whole village. Why does it need a color scheme?” When Andrei laughed, Kirill shot up from his chair and pointed at his mate. “Don’t you dare laugh at me. I’m Copyright 2016 - 2024