Author Anonymous_ A True Story - E.K. Blair Page 0,33

his personality, it’s so difficult for me to see him as this emotionless man that can go and sleep with random people. A man who doesn’t care to even get to know these people he’s doing this with. To me, the type of man who does that should come across as an insincere asshole, which is nothing like who Alec is to me. Alec spends hours on end talking to me and texting. He asks me questions and takes the time to answer mine.

“A party?” Brooke questions, and I explain to her what Alec told me about the exclusive sex club scene he’s a part of. She listens in astonishment, the same way I did when Alec first told me about it. “But you said he got off on the phone with you today, and he still needs more? Is he like an addict or something?”

“I asked him if he was, but he assured me he wasn’t,” I explain. “He said he has a high sex drive but he gets off more on the thrill of sex with strangers, with watching people have sex, and with people watching him.”

Alec: Are you still there?

Me: Yeah, sorry.

I respond when I realize the length of pause I took, and then the phone rings with his call.


“Is everything okay?”

I note the softness to his voice, a contradiction to his normal husky tone.

“Yes.” Brooke then stands to excuse herself to the restroom, and I begin to ramble, “I just didn’t know how to respond, and then Brooke asked what you meant by ‘party’ and I tried explaining to her what you had told me about it.”

“Does it bother you?”

“No,” I answer, but it feels like a lie. He doesn’t say anything, and when the silence grows, I falter a little, saying “I don’t know. I mean . . . maybe it does a little.”


I deflect off my unsettled feelings and put it on him. “I guess it worries me, the fact that you’re spreading yourself around. Aren’t you worried?”

“Everything in life comes with risks, Victoria. But this is a calculated risk. I’m safe, my partners are safe, everyone is tested. It’s not as if we are meeting up in sketchy underground clubs.”



“Then where?”

“Different places,” he tells me. “Tonight I’ll be at the XV Beacon.”

“The XV?” I question because the XV Beacon is a luxury boutique hotel in the heart of Boston. It caters to the sophisticated and distinguished and has a rich history in the city. “That hotel doesn’t seem like the one to accommodate a sex party.”

“You’d be surprised, my dear. In fact, the Gilbert Stuart suite is host to our gathering twice a year.”

“And they allow that?”

“A person of the ‘they’ you refer to is a member. So, yes, they allow. It’s not like what you are imagining though. We aren’t getting trashed off booze and drugs and having obscenely loud fuckapades.”

An uncomfortable giggle slips past my lips because I have no idea what these parties are like.

“But I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, and when you went quiet on me, I was worried I had done just that.”

“It’s just weird. Not you, just . . . I guess it’s because I don’t know that side of you. I mean, you’ve told me, but our interactions have painted you in a particular light, so it’s hard for me to imagine you otherwise.”

“Does it bother you?”

Nothing he does should bother me. He owes me nothing, and it would be foolish of me to assume that he should.

“No. I have no right to judge you. It’s not like you ever hid this from me. You’ve been transparent from our very first conversation.”

He takes a pause, and I can hear the clinking of keys and a car door shutting. A few more long seconds of nothingness pass before he finally speaks.

“It’s something I need.”

“I know,” I murmur. “I didn’t mean to make you feel like you had to defend who you are to me. I’m sorry.”

He starts his car. “I’ll talk to you later.”

Setting my phone down, my mind runs wild with thoughts of what tonight would look like if I were a fly on the wall in that suite. How many people? What do they look like? Do they talk before they fuck? Will Alec be having sex or just getting himself off while watching others? I even wonder about the little things. What kind of car does he drive? What is he wearing? I tell myself these are normal thoughts to have Copyright 2016 - 2024