Author Anonymous_ A True Story - E.K. Blair Page 0,13

him to hand me a towel, and when I start drying off, I notice him staring at my body.


“You want me to clean you up down there?”

I follow his eyes, which are zoned between my legs, and huff, “Are you kidding me right now?”

“Come on, babe.”

“I gave up shaving down there two weeks ago.”

He laughs. “I can tell.”

“Don’t be an ass.”

I wrap the towel around my chest and hold Landon’s hand as he helps me step out of the tub, all the while, finding humor in the fact that my lady parts have gone National Geographic.

“You’ve got a lot of nerve teasing me when I’m this hormonal,” I tell him as I give his ribs a jab, and when I do, I instantly feel a weird pop in my belly.

“Oh, shit!”


With a look of shock on his face, Landon steps back from me. “I think you pissed yourself, babe.”

As if this pregnancy hasn’t robbed my sex appeal enough. But when I look down at the puddle of fluid I’m standing in, I realize it’s not pee.

“I think my water just broke.”

Landon’s face drops, and I’ve never seen such alarm in his eyes.

“Landon?” He doesn’t respond as he stares at me. “Are you okay?”

In a flash, he jumps into motion like a maniac and rushes out of the bathroom, leaving me standing here, dripping wet, wearing only a towel.

“Holy shit. Shit. Shit.” He continues to ramble incoherent obscenities as he runs around the house.

I hear drawers opening and closing, along with cabinets and doors, and I have no clue what the hell he is doing. I proceed to drop my towel and grab a couple more to soak up the mess on the floor. I then do my best to clean myself up before slipping on a pair of underwear.

Landon then zips through the bathroom in a mild panic. “Where the hell is the hospital bag?”

“It’s in the closet, and can you please calm down?”

He turns to face me, and nearly yells, “You’re having a baby!” as if I had no clue. He then freezes for a second before grabbing my face and elating with utter joy, “We’re having a baby!” He wraps his arms around me, radiating with excitement, and when he draws back, I look into the eyes of my husband who’s about to become a daddy.

“I’m scared,” I admit. “I don’t think I’m ready for this.”

He cups my cheeks and dips his head so he can meet my eyes straight on and assures, “You’ve got this. You’re the strongest woman I know, and I have no doubts you’re going to kick this motherhood gig in the ass.”

“Promise me something?”


“Promise me we won’t become those cliché parents who wear cheesy matching outfits for family portraits.”

“Those people make me sick, you know that.”

“One more thing,” I say as I stand in front of him with only a pair of panties on and my belly nudging up against his toned abs. “Promise me you won’t change the way you look at me.”

“I’ll never look at you and not be reminded of how lucky I am to have you. You’re so damn sexy, and your being a mom isn’t going to change that. I love you most and more,” he tells me intently. “Now come on and get dressed.”

Our sweet moment quickly evaporates as Landon tosses clothes at me to put on. I move as quickly as I can, but not quick enough for my husband as he runs circles around me and texts family that the baby is on its way.

By the time he fastens my seatbelt, the pain wrapping around my back begins to intensify. My hand flies to Landon’s, and I squeeze tightly.

“You okay?”

“Mmm mmm,” I sound through my lips as I try to hold my breath.

“Don’t hold your breath; it’ll only make the pain worse.”

I trust him and take in a deep breath through my nose and release it through my mouth. I do this three or four times before I tell him, “Call Brooke.”

“I already did. She’s meeting us at the hospital.”

Landon keeps his hand locked to mine as he weaves through traffic. I close my eyes and try to focus on anything besides my back pain. Soon enough, we arrive at the hospital and are placed in a delivery room. The nurses hook me up to the monitors, and as much as I don’t want to be pregnant anymore, the fear of how this baby is going to change our world scares me. It’s only ever Copyright 2016 - 2024