Author Anonymous_ A True Story - E.K. Blair Page 0,100

if he doesn’t exist.”

Brooke shakes her head, and I’m torn between the two of them. I hate that I’m hurting her, especially in her fragile state. The last thing she needs is to be getting angry with her due date right around the corner.

“Landon is one of my best friends,” she says, sticking up for the man who doesn’t have a voice in this since I’ve blinded him from the truth that lurks right under his nose.

I’m a monster.

But I won’t defend another man in front Alec. I won’t disrespect him like that, so I keep the focus on the here and now. “Alec’s a good guy too. You keep telling me and assuring me that I’m not a bad person, that I’m just making bad choices. With me, you’re forgiving. Why is Alec any different?”

“I don’t know. It just is.”

“It’s fine,” he tells me before turning his attention to Brooke. “Put it all on me because she’s been through enough this past year, and I refuse to allow her to carry this burden on her back any longer. You want to hate me because it’s easier? Then hate me. Blame me. Take it all out on me because there’s nothing I won’t do to protect her from any more heartache.”

“You want to protect her?” Brooke sneers, stepping up to him. “Then leave her alone.”

Alec turns to me. “Is that you want?”

“No.” My answer is firm when I walk to stand by his side.

Brooke keeps her focus on me. With sadness in her eyes and anger on her tongue, she seethes, “I’m so mad at you.” Her strong façade cracks, and a tear fights its way down her cheek.

I don’t respond, because what can I possibly say? I love Brooke and I hate that I’m hurting her again. I hate all of this and wish I could make it all go away, but that’s no longer a possibility. This has spun too far out of control that it’s past the point of stopping. I’ve fallen for another man, and now I have to carefully calculate how to end things with Landon without him finding out about this affair until we’re officially done. The last thing I want is a bitter divorce even though I know I deserve it.

Brooke pushes past us and walks out, leaving Alec to mend the unmendable. But somehow, he manages, because that’s how powerful he is—he’s a force to reckon with. He’s the antidote that intoxicates and heals, refusing to let me break. Licking my wounds, he frees me of guilt and misery and takes me as I am, faults and all.

The sound of my cellphone ringing pulls me out of a deep slumber. I reach out my arm and fumble my hand over to the nightstand. The light from the screen nearly blinds me. I pinch my eyes shut before I can see who’s calling and answer the phone with a groggy, “Hello?”

“Tori, it’s Chris.”

“Chris?” I blink my eyes open. “Is everything okay?”

Alec stirs from behind me.

“Brooke just went into labor. We’re on our way to the hospital.”

“Oh, God. Okay, I’ll—I’ll get myself together and head that way.”

“I’ll text you the room number when we get there,” he tells me.

“Okay. I’ll see you in a bit.”

“Is everything okay?” Alec questions on a sleepy rasp as he slips his arm around me.

I roll over to face him, the warmth of his body consuming me. “Brooke’s in labor. She’s on her way to the hospital.”

I haven’t spoken to Brooke since she stormed out of my hotel room. It’s been almost a week, but no matter the tension between us, I wouldn’t miss the birth of her daughter for anything.

“Are you leaving?”

“Yeah. I need to be there.”

His arms band around me, tugging me flush against him as he lets out a sleepy growl. “You have to leave right now?”

“I have a few minutes.”

“That’s all I need.”

A giggle falls from my lips when he flips me over. I quickly shimmy out of my pajama pants as Alec yanks down his boxers. I’m already wet for him. He spreads my legs and pushes my knees down into the bed, opening me up wide for him. Bending down, he takes a taste before sinking his cock inside of me like he has perfect right to be there—and he does.

“What do I taste like to you?”

Rearing back slowly, a smile twists his lips. “Like sin,” he says, thrusting dangerously hard back inside me, kicking the air out of my lungs.

With my arms Copyright 2016 - 2024