Author Anonymous_ A True Story - E.K. Blair Page 0,10

rest of the day shopping, and after a good night’s rest, we are up early eating room service and getting ready for the signing. The event coordinator sent up volunteers to pick up all the boxes from our room so they can get my table set up for me. It’s always hectic getting ready for these events. I’ll be signing books for the next five hours and taking countless photos. So, I take my time applying my makeup, making sure to put on enough of it so it doesn’t wear off halfway through the day. I enjoy it though, because my life as Tori basically consists of yoga pants, no makeup, and my hair up in a knot.

“Are you ready?” Brooke asks as she applies a touch of mascara to her lashes.

“Almost.” I scramble around the room, slip on a pair of heels, and give myself one last look before grabbing my cell.

Before we can reach the ballroom where the signing is being held, we must first walk through the throng of fans that are already waiting. If only they could have a back entrance for the authors. It’s uncomfortable to watch everyone stare as I walk by. Not to mention the times when I have to use the restroom and there are fans in there who can hear me as I pee.

Maybe it’s just me, but nonetheless, it’s awkward.

Before the doors open to the readers, Gabe comes over to my table to say hello. I can’t blame Brooke for wanting to know what he looks like naked. He’s young, fit, and sexy as hell. But I’m well aware he probably just views me as a middle-aged housewife. I’m creeping close to mid-thirties, and I do what I can to stay in shape and stay young, but having kids has a way of physically—and mentally—aging you.

“How are you?” I ask after we hug.

“I’m good.”

His muscles aren’t too obscene like some of the other models here, which to me, makes him all that more attractive. He wears a slim-fitting shirt and his hair is unruly, but I know he spent a good amount of time styling it to look that way.

“You look like you’re firming up,” he says as he looks me up and down.

“I’ve been doing those new workouts you showed me.”

“It’s paying off,” he tells me and then peers over my shoulder. “What’s that shit-eating grin all about?”

“You know what it’s about,” Brooke says with mild flirtation.

“Ignore her.”

“You women gossip too much.”

“She’s just jealous it was Erin who walked in on you and not her.”

Gabe looks down at me and, with a hushed voice, admits, “I didn’t mean for that to be a one-time thing, you know?”

“Did you tell her that?”

“She won’t take my calls, and it isn’t really something I want to tell her over voicemail.”

“Give her time. She’s just a little embarrassed.”

Gabe joins Erin at her table and the doors open up. Since I just released a book last month, my line is consistently long. I try not to look up at the sea of people in this room, as it tends to overwhelm me, so I stay focused on the fans that are right in front of me. I smile and autograph books to the point of hand cramps. Getting to meet the readers who enjoy my books is what makes this job so rewarding. It’s thrilling to see their excitement.

Tori doesn’t exist in this moment, it’s all Madilyn—sizzling hot author.

Loading the dishwasher and washing her husband’s underwear isn’t a part of Madilyn’s life. No. When I’m her, I’m the woman who’s free from being tied down to family obligations. I’m the woman who can let loose, take shots, and ride a mechanical bull. I’m the woman who can laugh while being dry humped by a male stripper as an audience cheers. This is my escape; these are my moments of freedom. I love my home life, but I love this life too.

“I’m drained,” I moan as I kick off my heels and fall onto the bed.

“Don’t get too comfortable. I was talking to a few of the girls and told them we would meet them down in the lounge for cocktails and dinner.”

“How long do we have?”

“Thirty minutes,” Brooke responds.

I rest my head on the pillow and watch mindlessly as Brooke counts the money I made from book sales and separates her cut from the pile of bills. She then packs the leftover swag before freshening up her makeup.

Soon, I’m joining her. With a quick Copyright 2016 - 2024