Aurora Sky Vampire Hunter - By Nikki Jefford Page 0,73

boy a preview of what's in store for him - a little taste of their own medicine."

I made sure to keep my body in a fit of motion. My tailbone throbbed from when I'd landed against the floor. Moving around didn't help any.

Renard watched, rapt, for several minutes before bending down by my side. I couldn't see what he was up to with my head back, eyes on the ceiling.

Then I saw his hand reach over my face toward my neck. He grasped a fistful of my scarf and yanked, causing the fabric to tighten around my neck then succumb to his brute force.

Renard straightened up and held the scarf up in one hand. "Got myself a trophy, boys." He wound it around his neck and tossed one end of the scarf over his shoulder. "What do you think?"

"I think we should drain her," James said eagerly.

"I meant what do you think about the scarf?"

"It makes me hungry. It's such a waste that we can't drink her."

"She sort of reminds me of a fish flopping around inside a boat," Greg said.

"Maybe a splash of water would help her." James disappeared into the kitchen and returned with a bucket of water. He dumped it over my face.

I sputtered in addition to twitching.

The vampires erupted into laughter. James looked down at my face. He moved to my side, pulled back his leg, and kicked me with all his strength.

"Don't bother!" Renard snapped. "She can't feel a thing right now."

James shrugged and moved away. It was only voices again somewhere by the window.

Renard was wrong. I could feel pain. I felt pain shooting at my side like a stick of dynamite thrust through my ribcage erupting into hundreds of agonizing sparks.

"Is she still twitching?" I heard sometime later.

Greg got in my face moments later. "How long does this last?"

"She can't speak, moron."

Why hadn't Renard left yet and taken one of his sidekicks with him? I had a much better chance of taking down one vampire than three. It would come down to combat this time. Suddenly I wished I'd put more effort into kickboxing class.

Renard snapped his fingers. "Time to hunt down the boy."

"Double or nothing?" Greg said and the three vampires laughed.

"Sure you can handle the assassin?" Renard said. "She looks pretty scary shaking on the floor."

"I think I can manage," James said. If only he hadn't grabbed Renard's knife.

Now I had to take on an assailant with a weapon.

Renard and Greg clomped out of the house. An engine revved inside the garage. Tires screeched onto the street.

The moment we were alone, James circled me with the knife as though he were a vulture preparing to swoop in at any moment and pick my bones clean.

I reached slowly down my leg, sliding my fingers under my pants and closing my fist around the hilt of the dagger.

The shaking stopped. I jumped to my feet, done playing the victim.

James's eyes widened. His surprise didn't stop him from lunging. I jumped back, but not before the tip of his blade slid into my abdomen.

I screamed.

Getting bit hurt. Stabbing was a different kind of pain. Quicker. Colder. Deadly.

I put a hand over my stomach and looked at James.

When he smiled I realized, this is real; he's going to try and kill me.

I could lead him in a circle around the room like I had with the rabies vampire, or I could get this over with once and for all.

I let out a battle cry and charged. My shoulder rammed James in the chest as I twisted sideways upon impact. He stumbled back several steps.

Before I could lunge in for the stab, James rushed me. I crouched at the last second. Wham! James tripped over me, hit the ground, and dropped his knife. I grabbed his leg with my free hand as he scrambled after the blade.

He kicked backwards landing a blow over my windpipe. I dropped my dagger.

My stomach stung. My tailbone ached. I couldn't breathe.

James snatched his knife and scrambled back. I clutched my neck with both hands until James grabbed my arm and sliced open my wrist. I didn't feel it at first. I was still trying to breathe.

James grabbed my other wrist and made his third cut.

A cry gurgled in my throat.

If only I could pull the same maneuver as Renard and thrust my wrist inside James's mouth.

It was worth a try.

I held my wrist out and rasped, "You know you want it."

James looked from my bleeding wrist to my eyes. "I Copyright 2016 - 2024