Aurora Sky Vampire Hunter - By Nikki Jefford Page 0,64

from the cabin. The turns he took were gentle. He drove slow. I lost track of the time, but he eventually pulled to the side of the road. When he didn't get out or continue driving, I pulled my head away from Tommy.

We were on the edge of town. Dante looked from me to the passenger's seat. I took the hint, scooted over to the door, climbed down, and joined him up front. He continued driving only when I'd fastened my seatbelt.

"You killed him, didn't you?" I asked once we were on the highway.

"Renard's not the only vampire Thomas could sic on us. He was a threat, and he had to be eliminated."

I looked out the front window. "Will I ever have to kill a human?"

"No. We're vampire hunters, Sky. They've got cleaners for vermin like Thomas. I've got a call into them now - although they'll be disposing of a cold one this time. He killed Janine. It was for me to finish."

I nodded slowly. "I can't believe they got her."

"There's one thing left to do - find Renard and take him out."

Right, take him out before he took us out.

"Do you think he's looking for us?"

"Probably. The agents had someone check out his last known address. It's been cleared out."

"Will he be able to find us?"

"Doubtful. All Renard has is a couple of fake names and a city...should have said we'd come from Barrow now that I think about it. Send that fucker right up to the Big Freeze. Well, live and learn." Dante turned to me and smiled. "At least this way, he's coming to us. I've had it with Fairbanks for the time being."

"I've had it with Fairbanks forever," I countered.

"Let's talk about something else - like breakups."

I grumbled. "You're a load of laughs, you know."

"You know it's on your mind."

"Doesn't mean I want to talk about it."

"Sure you do. You're a girl."

I turned in my seat. "Hey! Watch it, buddy."

Dante chuckled. "So, what makes you think this guy is going to let you go so easily?"

I'd had the same concern - and, to be honest, hope. But I reminded myself what would happen to Fane if Valerie alerted the agents. I'd seen what happened to Thomas...part of what happened, anyway, and I knew what hunters did to vampires - I had personal experience in that department. Regardless of Valerie, it was only a matter of time before Fane tried to bite me. I kept coming to the same conclusion. One way or another, this had to end.

"I sort of told him I was seeing someone else."

"Good call, Sky - surest way to inflict the deepest wound."

"I didn't want to inflict pain. I just needed him to believe it was over. I told him I was seeing you."

"Me?" Dante's voice lifted. "Sky, I'm honored."

"I didn't think you'd mind being my pretend boyfriend."

"Au contraire. We don't even have to pretend."

I laughed and glanced at Dante, but my smile fell. We were on a straight stretch of highway and his palms were flat, barely touching the steering wheel.

"You're joking, right?" I asked.

"Why? I find you attractive. You think I'm funny. And we have the blood link and whole saving the world from vampires thing in common. It's tricky dating normal girls. They're not really up on the up, you know what I mean?"

I sat back in my chair. "Thanks, but I don't think so."

"Don't want to mix business with pleasure. I get it."

"I don't want to mix anything."

"Maybe not now, Sky, but we'll see. I'm irresistible, you know?"

I laughed. "You're irritating is what you are."

"And yet you can't keep away."

"I don't have a choice." I was forced to stay away from one boy and stick beside another. At least Dante wasn't bad to look at, and he did have a knack for pulling me out of funks.

We arrived in Anchorage at midnight. Dante rolled into the driveway in front of the door and pulled up the emergency brake.

"You were amazing back there, Sky."

I looked over at him and nearly laughed. I hadn't done anything but watch.

He grinned. "I'm really impressed. You're new to this, and yet you've managed to take out two nasties - on your own - and keep a cool head. You're doing great."

I smiled slowly. "Thanks. I guess it's nice to be good at something, even if it is killing vampires."

Dante smiled back at me. "Get some rest. You deserve it."

"Nothing like aiding in a kidnapping and murder to get one started on a good Copyright 2016 - 2024