Aurora Sky Vampire Hunter - By Nikki Jefford Page 0,54

slipped inside the Catalina I stared forward. I was afraid if I looked at Fane my face would betray me.

"So what's going on?" he asked.

"We need to talk, but not here."

"Where do you want to go?"

"The bluff."

Fane put the car in reverse and headed to the ocean. "Sure you can't tell me what this is about?"

I shook my head.

After a spell Fane asked, "How do you know Noel Harper?"

"Funny, I was just asking her the same thing about you."

Fane's fingers, which were loosely steering, now wrapped around the wheel tightly. His voice turned silky. "And what did she tell you?"

I kept my silence. Fane cut through the airport and come out on Point Woronzof Road paralleling the coastal trail. On our way to the bluff, I pointed out a trail access surrounded by dense woods.

"Pull in here."

Point Woronzof was a popular place to make out or access the beach. I wanted something more secluded. Well, maybe not that secluded. By now it was almost four in the afternoon. The sun would set in another forty-five minutes.

The trees surrounded the deserted parking lot, shading the last gray hues before total darkness. Fane pulled into a spot in the far corner against the woods.


"When were you planning on telling me you're a vampire?"

Fane squinted at me. "I thought you knew."

"Why in the hell would you think that?"

Fane waved his hand at my neck. "The red scarf. I thought it was your way of signaling to me."

"Not even!" I shook my head. "I can't believe this."

Now what? What would Melcher instruct me to do in a situation like this? This was different. This wasn't a mission. This was Fane.

His body tensed and the soft features of his face hardened. His words were silky smooth, without a trace of surprise. He even had the insolence to sound amused. "You chose to confront me in this dark, isolated location, alone in my car? What is it, Aurora - bravery or the thrill of danger?"

"I'm not afraid of you."

"Good because I could never hurt you. I might want to sleep with you and suck your blood, but I'd never hurt you."

"Stop it."

He turned in his seat to face me. I didn't like the way he looked me up and down. "Don't tell me you don't want it, too."

"I could never sleep with you."

I hadn't meant to sound so repulsed. Did vampires have feelings? I mean, if they were immune to bodily harm, perhaps their emotions were equally deadened.

I didn't have to wonder for long. The Fane I knew disappeared, replaced by a big-headed brute - or maybe he was just being a guy - who slouched back as though impervious to words or emotions. "Now you don't want to do the dirty because I'm a vampire? Usually that's a turn-on for girls."

I bet it was. I bet girls like Valerie got off on a good fuck and suck.

"Oh? And how many girls have you been with?"

I tried to sound as detached as him, even though he had hurt me more than he could know, and worse, after claiming he never could.

It took him what? All of ten seconds?

"I've been around a long time."

Fane pulled down his visor. A pack of American Spirits landed in his open palm. Fane pushed a car lighter into the socket on the dashboard. Within seconds, the metal cylinder popped out.

Somehow this infuriated me more than Fane's countless line of lovers. "So you're smoking again?"

"Depends. Are you breaking up with me?"

"You're joking. You're threatening me with a cigarette?"

Fane shrugged and lit up. Guess he was making the decision for me. In the end, guys were all the same whether they'd been around for eighteen years or eight hundred.

The moment his cigarette caught fire I felt myself spark with rage. I threw the car door open and got out. I slammed it shut with both hands. The smash of metal was somewhat satisfying. I began taking off across the empty lot.

Fane would either speed away or chase after me. I figured he would go for the hunt, since he was a vampire.

I just wasn't expecting it so soon.

He jumped out of the car right after me. I saw him flick the cigarette across the snowy lot. He locked eyes with me, and a shiver ran down my spine.

I bolted.

Bright idea, Aurora, let's make this even more exciting for the vampire.

I wasn't a complete dolt. I had my dagger and something even more lethal - my blood. He wanted to bite me. I could Copyright 2016 - 2024