Aurora Sky Vampire Hunter - By Nikki Jefford Page 0,48

Fane said, sarcastically. "Let's just get the facts straight. You left town with a guy who is not your brother and spent the entire night with him."

Tears swam over my vision - probably because I hadn't slept in twenty-seven hours and had rammed a dagger through two hearts earlier. Regardless of being killer vampires, a heart was a heart. I'd caused two to stop beating in the last twenty-four hours.

"Are you crying? Hey, come here."

I loved that Fane's voice could change in an instant. I loved his arms around me even more.

I burrowed against him, determined never to leave the comfort of his chest. The world could go on without me. Fane brushed my hair back tenderly. His fingers stilled over the bruise at the hairline of my forehead then touched it gently. He stroked the tender flesh as though he could rub the wound away. My scalp tingled.

"Want to tell me how you got this bruise?"

I looked up into his eyes. "I just want to be with you."

Fane frowned. "Why did you leave?"

"Friend emergency. I can't talk about it. I'm sorry."

"I don't care what it was. What kind of friend expects you to rush off to Fairbanks in the middle of the night by car? Seems like they're asking too much of you."

"Tell me about it."

My phone started ringing from inside my coat pocket. Fane raised a brow as I dug it out. It better not be Dante.

Nope, Mom.

I pressed the phone to my ear. "Hi, Mom. We made it to town. Be home shortly...I'm fine. Yep. No, he has to get going. Yes, I'm sure...Because I know. Fine." I held my phone down. "Dante, want to stay for lunch? Are you sure? Okay." I put the phone back to my ear. "He's busy, but says thanks. Right, so see you soon. Bye, Mom."

I closed my phone and rolled my eyes.

Fane stared at me. "What kind of name is Dante?"

"What kind of name is Fane?" I countered.

He chose not to answer, instead asking, "Doesn't your mother want to have me over for lunch?"

"I don't know."

"Maybe I ought to meet your mom and assure her my intentions are honorable."

"Oh, are they?" I teased.

Fane grinned. "Well, perhaps not all honorable, but for the most part."

"What about dinner tonight? That'll give me a chance to rest." I was fading fast.

"Just tell me when. I already know where." Fane grinned. "How about I walk you home for now?"

"That's really nice, but I've gotten over my fear of cars."

If I could survive fourteen hours in a moving vehicle with Dante, I could get inside a care with anyone.

"How about for old time's sake?" Fane asked. He grinned. "And my own selfish motivation to keep you by my side a little longer."

My smile reached my ears. "Okay then, for old time's sake."

Fane took my pack and put it over his shoulder.

The walk looked different without the snow shower coming down on us. I stole sideways glances at Fane. I saw him trying not to smile every time I stared at him. I slipped my hand inside his.

"You're not smoking?" I asked.

"I quit."


"I don't want to expose you to secondhand smoke."

"So you just quit like that? Cold turkey?"

"I haven't smoked all weekend."

"Aren't you having cravings?"

"For nicotine?" Fane paused. "No."

"You make it sound so easy."

He stared into the distance before answering. "Some habits are easier to kick than others."

I squeezed his hand. For all Fane's tough talk about being immune, it wasn't worth the risk. I didn't want Fane to get cancer. I didn't want anything bad to ever happen to him.

A chill ran down my spine.

"What is it?" Fane asked.

I don't know how he felt it. My body didn't visibly shudder. I pulled my hand out of his.

"What did you mean that day in gym when you said you'd seen that look on my face before?"

Fane gave me a blank stare. Then something seemed to register in his eyes. He turned quickly away.

"It just reminded me of something. It's nothing."

It wasn't nothing, but I couldn't exactly demand an answer when he'd been so cool about the whole pulling an all nighter in Fairbanks Operation Fake Friend emergency.

As we topped the hill, I grabbed Fane's hand again.

"Thank you for walking me home."

Fane pulled me to a stop. There was a kindness inside his eyes that took me aback.

"Next time your friend has a crisis that can't wait call me," he said. "I'll drive you wherever you need to go."

"In the tank? We'd still be on the road."

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