Aurora Sky Vampire Hunter - By Nikki Jefford Page 0,45


"Has Wendy been bitten before?" he prodded.


"Such a lovely thing, our Wendy. I bet your blood is sweet." Ivo swooped up to me. "I want to drink. Every. Last. Drop."

He opened his mouth so wide, I feared he'd snap off my neck. I recoiled. When he tried again, I pulled my arm back and rammed my fist in his face. Pain splintered across my knuckles. I twisted my hips to add torque to the blow. Ivo grunted in surprise. He put a hand to his face, but when he looked up, he smiled.

"Well, well. Wendy's a feisty thing. I don't get many live ones these days. Youth today is so dark and disturbed. They've given up. Takes the fun out of it. Come on, Wendy, let's teach you to fly."

Ivo grabbed my shoulders and tossed me across the room. I hit a set of drawers and landed on the floorboards. Ivo hauled me up by the neck and threw me so hard over his bed that I flipped and fell over the other side with a tremendous whack.

I tried to stand. My arms shook underneath me. Warm blood tickled from my lip, and I noticed Ivo's eyes shine. He dropped to his knees and loomed over me.

"Where are your friends now, Wendy? They've abandoned you. Soon they'll go out into the world and live out their useless little lives. They'll grow up, age. But you, Wendy, you'll never grow old."

Ivo's razor teeth pierced through my skin. He dug in deep and shook his mouth like a bloodthirsty wolf. My skin tore. Blood spilled down my neck. My heart pumped blood up my throat. Ivo drank greedily.

One,two,three,four,five...six. I counted in my head.

Suddenly his jaw slackened. His grip weakened. He fell on top of me, convulsing. I shoved him off.

While he twitched, I pulled up my pant leg and took out the dagger. His eyes bulged.

"Hun...Hun..." He tried to speak.

"Vampire hunter," I said for him. "Not so sweet anymore, am I?"

I lifted the dagger with both hands and brought it down through his heart. I tore through his skin the way he'd torn through mine.

The twitching stopped. Ivo's eyes gaped at me. I pulled out my dagger and wiped the blood off on his shirt.

I still needed to kill Patrick. I unlaced my boots and left them in Ivo's bedroom before walking down the edge of the hall. The floorboards bent under me, but didn't creak. The entry to the living room loomed closer, and I crouched by the doorframe. For a long time, no one spoke inside. Finally, one of the boys said he was tired.

"You know the rules," Patrick said. "You can party here, but you can't crash."

Their footsteps creaked on the floorboards, followed by the slam of the door. Outside an engine sputtered and chocked before rumbling to life.

I peeked inside the living room. Patrick sat alone on the couch, sipping a beer, probably washing down the blood. I doubled back, put on my boots, and walked into the living room. I stumbled into the room, leaning against the doorframe.

Patrick looked me up and down, a smirk on his lips.

Blood trickled from my lip and neck. My head throbbed from the whack I'd taken on the floor.

I forced a sloppy grin to make Patrick think I was drunk. "He's a bit rough."

I staggered over to the couch and "passed out" with my head in Patrick's lap. His legs tensed under me, and he started pushing me aside.

Come on, Patrick, easy offering - drink!

The push against my shoulder eased up. Patrick's breath blew over my skin when he inhaled the bite on my neck. I waited for his teeth to break through. He ran his tongue over the open wound.

I had to force myself to stay still. The licking wasn't causing him to convulse the way the biting did.

Patrick swallowed and I had to suppress a shudder as he licked me again.

Maybe Ivo had sucked out the good stuff and left behind diluted blood.

Patrick licked and swallowed again. Then he became very still right before he began to convulse.

I rose off his lap, pulled out the knife, and stuck it in his heart.

I took my time walking to the bathroom. The warm water didn't seem to be working so I ran a hand towel under cold. When I glanced in the mirror I saw myself clearly. A cut bled over my forehead. I dabbed at it with the wet cloth then went to work on my neck. I dabbed and Copyright 2016 - 2024