Aurora Sky Vampire Hunter - By Nikki Jefford Page 0,4

legs and arms weren't even bruised. That only left my face.

I put on the gray sweatpants and army green T-shirt then entered the room's corner bathroom. My fingers trembled over the light switch. Deep breath. I flicked it on.

All that anticipation just to end up face to face with...a blank wall. Seriously? Why not install a sink without a faucet while they were at it? Or maybe my face was so disfigured they'd removed the mirror altogether.

I refused to believe it. Mom would have shown signs of distress when she kissed my forehead.

Pound,pound,pound. My therapist wasn't kidding about the five minutes.

"Time's up, Aurora."

At the end of the week, Melcher walked into my room with a woman who looked to be, like him, in her early thirties.

"Aurora, this is my partner, Agent Crist."

Crist nodded curtly. She wore a frown as tight as the pony tail at the nape of her neck. In their matching suits, she and Melcher looked like missionaries.

They walked over to where I sat in the room's only chair and stood on either side of me, forcing my eyes to ping pong between them.

"How's therapy going?" Melcher asked.

I glared at him. "Is that what you call this, 'cause I feel like I'm training for a marathon?"

Usually I liked making people laugh. Not so with Melcher. His chuckle grated on my nerves. Agent Crist pursed her lips.

"We needed to make sure you were fully functional," Melcher said.

"I'd say walking eight miles a day is functional enough." I could have been half way home that very morning. Then there was the running my therapist threw in at the end of our sessions: one mile the first few days and now he had me pounding out two.

They should call this shock therapy.

"Well, I have good news. We're releasing you...for now. But before you go, Agent Crist and I would like to go over the terms of your revival."

I eyed Melcher suspiciously.

"You have been saved for a specific purpose - a chance to serve not only your country, but mankind."

I don't think so. The air force or military or whoever the agents represented must be desperate if they had to abduct teenage girls from accident scenes by way of recruitment.

Melcher gestured with his right hand as he spoke. "As I mentioned, you have a very special blood type and this blood, when injected with the right combination of modified organisms and viruses, makes you a deadly and powerful force against the demonic beings that plague this earth."

Maybe I should have focused on the demonic beings part, but when my lips flew open I could only think of one thing. "You injected me with a virus!"

Melcher leaned in closer. "You have nothing to fear, Aurora. The virus won't harm you so long as you take your monthly injection."

"Monthly injection! Like a shot? For how long?" When Melcher didn't answer a horrifying thought occurred to me. "For the rest of my life?"

"It's not that bad, we've already administered your first dose," Crist said.

I kept my eyes on Melcher. Something told me he was the one running the show. "Not that bad?" I repeated. "Why infect me with a virus in the first place?"

Melcher listened with patience. I was beginning to wonder if he ever frowned or if he was like one of those scary clown dolls with a perpetual smile stretched across its face.

"Think of it as a vaccination. Like a flu shot." Melcher formed a steeple with his fingers. "As a field agent you will come into contact with all kinds of infected individuals. We do this for your own protection."

"What do you mean field agent?"

"We'll go over that during orientation." Melcher stepped forward. Suddenly he was looming over me. "Do not doubt, Aurora, that evil is among us. It threatens our way of life. Candidates such as you are instrumental in keeping not only our country safe, but humanity itself. This is an opportunity to serve the greater good." Melcher turned to Crist. "Have I left anything out?"

"Yes," Crist said. Her eyes zeroed in on me. "You have no choice."

Melcher cleared his throat. "What Agent Crist means to say is that your mother, as your legal guardian, has signed your rights over to us. We have saved your life and you, in turn, will save the lives of hundreds." Melcher stepped closer. "You were an extremely expensive investment, Aurora. A new heart, kidney, and lungs - I think that was a record, don't you, Agent Crist? If we'd had to replace any Copyright 2016 - 2024