Aurora Sky Vampire Hunter - By Nikki Jefford Page 0,35

call themselves Fane."

"Yeah, and nice boys aren't always nice, either."

"What do you mean?"

I shook my head. "Nothing, forget it. I'll be in my room."

I tried on five different tops Friday morning before settling on a sweater and skirt that touched my knees.

When I reached school, I avoided C Hall and the risk of running into the Mouseketeers. I wandered the halls until I heard his voice.

"Welcome back."

Instant shiver.

I turned and smiled. I focused on Fane's upper lip, the one that was slightly smaller. Seeing him grin made me want to kiss him again.

"Aurora Sky," those lips said. I want to show you something."


"Come with me."

We walked side by side down the empty hall and out the doors into the student parking lot. The cold bit into my bare flesh. Fane led me to a familiar Pontiac Catalina.

"This is my car."

I folded my arms over my chest.

Fane planted a boot on the bumper. "This thing's a tank."

I looked it over. "It's certainly ugly enough to be."

"Very funny, but it could go through a brick wall and still hold its shape. Last year, this woman in a Dodge Neon ran headfirst into me in her sedan. Wasn't her fault, really, she was skidding on ice."

My eyes widened.

"Don't worry," Fane said. "She walked out of it just fine. But her car..." Fane shook his head. "That thing crumpled like an accordion." He moved his hands together to demonstrate.

A smile spread across my face.

"The tank?" Fane gave it a shove with his boot. "Not a scratch."

"It sounds very safe," I said. As Fane grinned I added quickly, "But I'm still not ready."

"Just know that I'm here for you when you are and, at the risk of my reputation, I'm no speed demon." Fane lowered his voice. "The tank is more of a coaster. She doesn't like going over fifty."

I laughed. "Thanks. I'll remember that."

Fane opened the back door. "Go on, have a seat."

Was he crazy?

"I'm not..."

"We're not going anywhere. I just thought it might help if you eased into the whole auto rehabilitation."

"Is that what they're calling it these days?"

"Step one: Get inside the car."

I smiled and shook my head at his antics, but couldn't resist playing along for the moment. I lowered my head and climbed onto the back bench. The burgundy upholstery was old and torn.

"Where are the seatbelts?"

Fane climbed in after me. "Buried under the seat someplace." He shut the door behind him. "How's this?"

I looked out the side window at the parked cars then out the front overlooking the west side of the school building. I nodded. "Fine for now. What's step two?"

"Step two involves lips - yours and mine. The surest way to get over a car phobia is by creating positive associations."

Hearing the words caused a thrum inside my chest. His lips haunted me. They were wicked. They were wonderful.

Fane twisted one of the fringes at the end of my scarf.

I stared at the red thread wrapped around Fane's finger. "What about Valerie?"

Fane released my scarf. "I broke it off."

"What? When?"

"First thing Tuesday. I told her that she and I had a good run, hoped there were no hard feelings, and wished her the best."

After one kiss. I should know better than to be a sentimental sap, but my heart was on fire.

"Did you tell her why?"

"I told her I met someone else."

My stomach did a flip-flop. "Did you tell her who?"

Fane chuckled. "As delightful as the spectacle would be, I don't want you two to get into a cat fight in the girls' locker room. Valerie's got claws and I couldn't bear to see so much as a scratch on you."

"Excuse me," I said, sitting up. "Did you not see the way I took down that kid in the cafeteria?"

Fane watched me with an amused half-grin.

I stood on my knees and leaned over him. "Don't let this girl-next-door act fool you, Fane. I'm learning martial arts. I take kickboxing." I stretched my leg over his lap and straddled him. "I could pin you down and keep you down."

Fane looked up at me. "I wouldn't stop you."

He leaned forward as I leaned down. When our lips touched, the world outside his car melted away.

I ran my tongue over his teeth. His back molars were sharp. I retracted my tongue. Fane must have sucked a mint earlier; a hint of peppermint lingered on the tip of his tongue. Our lips moved together softly. I cupped his face in my hands and closed my eyes. Fane ran his hands down Copyright 2016 - 2024