Aurora Sky Vampire Hunter - By Nikki Jefford Page 0,27

lot was empty except for two cars, thank god. It was warm inside the minimart, unlike the public bus.

I passed the chips and candy aisle and found condoms at the end of a row beside a section of toiletries. I didn't stop to read the labels or anything; I just grabbed a box of Trojans and headed to the checkout counter.

There was no line, but the cashier was on the phone.

I set the box down and stared at the tangle of brown hair streaming down the cashier's back.

Someone threw a pack of American Spirits beside the box of condoms. I glanced over, only to see Fane Donado standing next to me.

My stomach flopped down to my feet. Luckily I managed to keep cool.

I arched a challenging brow. "See something interesting?"

Fane reached over. At first I thought he was going for the box of Trojans, but he pulled gently on my scarf instead. The gesture took me aback. I didn't know how he got so close to me.

"I like your scarf."

I lifted my chin. "Thanks. Apparently red's my color."

A smile quirked over Fane's mouth. He nodded toward the box on the check stand. "Who's the prince who sent his girl in to fetch his rubbers?"

I pressed my lips together and concentrated on the register.

Fane leaned closer and spoke inside my ear. "I wouldn't want anyone to know the name of the wuss I was banging, either."

My eyes sparked. I turned until I was face-to-face with Fane. He thought he was so badass and grown up. He thought he understood pain and darkness. He probably even thought I was fumbling around with some science geek who spent his lunch hour in lab.

I straightened up. "Not that it's any of your business, but I'm on my way to hang out with Scott Stevens."

"Right, then," Fane said. "I can see how someone in your shoes might find that numbnut attractive."

I laughed. I couldn't help it. "Did you seriously just use the word 'numbnut'?"

"That'll be six thirty-five."

I didn't notice the clerk swiping the box of Trojans under the scanner. I dug out my wallet, pulled out a ten, and handed it to the cashier.

"I don't need a bag," I said.

I felt Fane's eyes all over me. His voice dropped. "This won't make him love you, you know."

So now he thought I was the numbnut. I turned my head slowly. When my eyes met his I almost willed him to stop me.

Who was I kidding? The last person who would ever care about my welfare was Fane Donado. I was nothing to him, and he certainly wasn't anything to me other than an ill-timed annoyance.

I grabbed the box of condoms. "I'm not looking for a soul mate."

I pushed through the doors and walked briskly through the parking lot to the bus stop. I opened the box of Trojans and shoved the individually wrapped condoms inside my coat pocket before dumping the box inside a wastebasket cemented to the sidewalk. I jammed my hands inside my pockets and ran a thumb over the foil. My teeth began to chatter.

Fane pulled up alongside the bus stop in his ugly heap of a car. He leaned over and rolled down the passenger window by hand.

"Get in. I'll give you a lift home."

What a jerk. He acted like Mr. Nice in Valerie's absence, then the moment she entered the scene I ceased to exist. I couldn't believe I ever wanted to kiss those mismatched lips. From what I'd seen he was just as sloppy as Scott and way less pleasing on the eyes.

"I'm not going home!" I snapped. "And I would never get inside a car with you."

"What's the matter, Aurora? Afraid I'll bite?"

That got my attention. Something odd and unsettling fluttered inside my chest. I snapped my head in Fane's direction. He smiled, and his teeth gleamed. A shudder worked its way down my spine to my toes.

I sucked in a breath. "Thanks for the offer, but my bus will be here any minute."

Fane's grin widened. His car inched away, but not before Fane pierced me with one last shaded look. "Suit yourself. Be safe, Aurora Sky."

Scott lived in a picturesque neighborhood three blocks from the bus stop. Small white lights glowed along fence railings, bushes, and rooftops. Every now and then, I'd pass a household that hadn't gotten around to removing their Christmas decorations.

I walked in the street because snow covered the sidewalks. Along the way, I slipped a couple condoms from my coat pocket into my jeans.

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