Aurora Rising - Amie Kaufman Page 0,70

have got his golden squad and I’d be part of it and none of this would be happening.

And it’s true. Every word. And not for the first time, I hope Battle Leader de Stoy knew what she was doing when she told Auri to stow away on our ship. I hope Adams knew what he was saying when he asked me to believe. Because it’s getting harder by the minute.

“Please, Cat,” I say, soft. “We could really use your help on this.”

My Ace meets my eyes, then glances once more at Auri. The girl stares back, lifting her chin, faint challenge in her eyes. Cat clenches her jaw. But I know what she’ll say before she says it. The same thing she said the morning after, laying on those rumpled sheets when I told her a CO couldn’t date a subordinate, that an Alpha couldn’t date his Ace, that best friends who’d known each other since kindergarten shouldn’t risk that friendship to try for something more.

“Sir, yes sir,” Cat says.


“This toilet is not big enough for the five of us,” Kal says.

“It’s not my fault you’re seventeen meters tall, Pixieboy,” Finian growls.

“And it’s all we could afford,” I say. “So quit griping, they’ll be here soon.”

Me, Kal, Fin, Zila, and Auri are crowded into the small and grimy bathroom of a love motel on the lower side of the World Ship’s nightclub district. We’re pressed in like ration packs, Fin’s elbow in my ribs and Kal’s left boot in the commode. The room our bathroom is attached to has been booked under my sister’s name, and it’s a short stagger from the bar where she and Cat are hopefully working their magic. Any minute, we’ll hear them coming through the door, and then it’s game time.

But in the meantime …

“It stinks like my fourth grandmother’s underwear drawer in here,” Fin says.

“You know what your grandmother’s underwear drawer smells like?” I ask.

“My family were very cosmopolitan.”

“I do not think that word means what you think it means,” Zila murmurs.

“Um,” Auri whispers. “Sorry, but is someone touching my butt?”

“… Would you like someone to be touching your butt?” Fin asks.

Kal clears his throat. “If you wish it, I—”

“Shut up!” I hiss.

I hear the ping of the electric lock on the front door, muffled laughter. My squad falls silent as we listen to heavy footsteps, a drunken guffaw. The door slams, someone stumbles, a glass breaks.

“Oh noooooo,” says a male voice, muffled through the bathroom door. “Declan, you dropped the booze.”

“Did I?” comes a second male voice.


“Oh noooooo.”

“Declan, come over here,” someone purrs.


“Lachlan, stay waaaayyyy over there,” someone growls.


“Why are there (hic) three of you?” Declan asks.

“There’s just one of me,” Scar laughs. “You’re tipsy, come sit.”

“I kinda (hic) like the idea of three of you.”

“Believe me, handsome, one of me is way more than you can handle.”

“I think … I’m gonna be sick,” Lachlan declares.

“I know the feeling,” Cat sighs.

“No, seriously,” he burps. “Where’s the … bathroom?”

Inside said bathroom, the five of us exchange a brief, horrified glance.

“Can’t feel my feet,” Declan mumbles.

“All the more reason to get you off them,” Scar purrs. “Come on, come sit on the bed with me.”

“Seriousssly, I can’t feel’em,” he giggles. “What was in that las’drink?”

“Approximately twelve milliliters of benzothelemene,” I hear Zila whisper behind me. “If Scarlett followed my directions precisely.”

I hear a heavy thud, followed closely by another.

“Sounds like she did.” I smile, opening the bathroom door.

Sure enough, laid out flat—one on the floor, one on the bed—are the two security guards from the museum earlier today. Sitting on the bed beside Blondie is my sister, looking vaguely disappointed. Cat’s sitting on the second bed looking vaguely annoyed, her boots resting on the bigger goon at her feet.

“Okay, let’s do this,” I say.

Fin leans down to inspect Cat’s trophy. “If you’d told me he was this hot, I would have gone on the date for sure.”

“Shut up, Finian,” she replies.

We strip the sleeping guards and haul them into bed naked. Kal and I then pull on their power armor and loop their ID badges around our necks. Finian stares first at the photo on my badge, then up into my face.

“I gotta admit, the likeness is pretty uncanny,” he says.

I glance at the unconscious goon in the bed. “We look nothing alike.”

My Gearhead shrugs, hands me a small device. “All you dirtchildren look the same to me, Goldenboy. Now you need to plant this in the uplink nodes. Centr—”

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