Aurora Rising - Amie Kaufman Page 0,44

level 12. Emergency crew to level 12 immediately.”

We’re marching toward the elevators with the alarms blaring when the first TDF squad finds us. They round the corner, disruptor rifles raised, laser sights cutting through the sprinkler system’s downpour. We’re still Folding, so the colorscape is still monochrome, the water spray is silver, the squad’s sergeant’s eyes are almost black.

“Don’t move!” he barks.

Scarlett steps forward, her lieutenant’s insignia gleaming on her collar, her fiery hair dulled to gray. My boots are too big, and I’m not bragging or anything, but the crotch in this tac armor just isn’t sitting right. Still, considering we stole these uniforms off four unconscious TDF troopers, we’re mostly pulling it off. Cat and Zila are skulking at the back, and Kal and Finian stand between us, mag-restraints around their wrists, looking appropriately cowed. Scarlett has more than enough swagger to fill in the gaps.

“We got two of ’em,” she barks. “The other four made it to the air vents. Get your squad up to thirteen, we’re taking these two to the brig!”

The squad’s sergeant frowns behind his visor. “The vents? We got t—”

“You get dropped on your head as baby, soldier?” Scarlett snaps. “I just gave you an order! Move your asses before I flush ’em into the Fold!”

Say what you will about the military, but Maker bless, they don’t teach you to think. They teach you to follow orders. No matter what uniform they’re wearing, Legion, TDF, whatever, when a lieutenant starts yelling at the average sergeant to jump, their only question is gonna be “How high?”

Fortunately for us, this sergeant seems kinda average.

“Ma’am, yes ma’am,” he barks, turning to his squad. “Level thirteen, move!”

The squad rushes past us. Scarlett starts yelling into her collar mic, demanding to know where the fire crews are at. We reach the turbolift, and I stab at the controls as the silver rain falls all around us, the lights flashing gray.

“Okay, Finian, how long before they get their cams back online?” I ask.

He glances down to his uniglass, shakes his head. “It was a pretty basic hack I threw in there. We’ve got about another minute, maybe two.”

“Right. Every security squad is on their way up here to level twelve. The docking bay is on five. Cat, you take Zila, Fin, and Kal down there and get the Longbow ready to launch. Quietly. If we’re not aboard in five minutes—”

“Ty, I’m not taking off without you,” Cat says.

“I was gonna say give us another five minutes, but no, you’re right, you should totally take off without me.”

“Where are you going?” Finian asks.

“Scar and I are gonna go get Aurora.”

“I am coming with you,” Kal says.

“No,” I snap. “You’re not. You stick out like a six-foot-eight pointy-eared sore thumb in here. Get to the docking bay. You might need to fight your way through.”

“You will definitely need to fight your way to Aurora,” Kal says, stepping forward. “And I am better at it than you.”

“I just gave you an order, Legionnaire,” I growl.

Kal tilts his head. “Please feel free to put me on report, sir.”

“For the love of … ,” Scar sighs. “Will you two just kiss and get it over with?”

“I mean, I could think of worse things to watch?” Finian says.

The lift arrives and the doors hiss open as the alarms continue to scream. I wonder what the big deal is. Why Kal is so keen on rescuing Aurora when he was such a jerk to her back on Sagan. But looking up into his eyes, I can tell he’s not going to budge unless I push, and Maker’s breath, we just don’t have the time.

“Scar, go with Cat. Five minutes, then you launch. That’s an order.”

Scarlett looks at me, blinking in the silver rain. “Yes sir.”

The four board the turbolift, and I look Cat in the eyes as the door hisses closed. I turn to glower at Kal, met with a stare hard as diamond.

“Priority prisoners will be in the brig down on eleven,” I say.

“Follow me,” the Syldrathi replies. “Sir.”

We dash to the stairwell, taking the steps four at a time to the level below. Marching out into the hallway, Kal walks in front, hands still held before him in the mag-restraints. I march behind, pointing my disruptor rifle at his back, hoping I look like a guard escorting his prisoner. A tech crew with fire-suppressant gear barrels right past us, followed close by a squad of TDF troopers. None of them spare us much more Copyright 2016 - 2024