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for a source are coming up empty. Maybe I came up with it, but my best guess is it belongs to an unidentified genius instead.

“When a measure becomes a target”: This definition of Goodhart’s Law was actually formulated by the British anthropologist Marilyn Strathern. “‘Improving Ratings’: Audit in the British University System,” European Review 5 (1997): 305–321, Goodhart himself reportedly advanced the idea sometime around 1975 and put it formally into writing in 1981. Charles Goodhart, “Problems of Monetary Management: The U.K. Experience,” in Anthony S. Courakis (ed.), Inflation, Depression, and Economic Policy in the West (London: Rowman and Littlefield, 1981), 111–146.


“When I suggested this to friends in the Pentagon”: Roger Fisher, “Preventing Nuclear War,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 37, no. 3 (1981), doi:10.1080/00963402.1981.11458828.

The first seat belt law: Michael Goryl and Michael Cynecki, “Restraint System Usage in the Traffic Population,” Journal of Safety Research 17, no. 2 (1986), doi:10.1016/0022–4375(86)90107–6.

wearing a seat belt is enforceable by law: New Hampshire is the lone exception, where seat belts are only required for children. “New Hampshire,” Governors Highway Safety Association,, accessed June 8, 2016.

over 88 percent of Americans buckled up: “Seat Belt Use in U.S. Reaches Historic 90 Percent,” National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, November 21, 2016,

Bryan Harris: Bryan Harris, email conversation with author, October 24, 2017.

She does the “song a day” challenge: Courtney Shea, “Comedian Margaret Cho’s Tips for Success: If You’re Funny, Don’t Do Comedy,” Globe and Mail, July 1, 2013,

Thomas Frank, an entrepreneur in Boulder, Colorado: Thomas Frank, “How Buffer Forces Me to Wake Up at 5:55 AM Every Day,” College Info Geek, July 2, 2014,


Phelps has won more Olympic medals: “Michael Phelps Biography,” Biography,, last modified March 29, 2018.

El Guerrouj: Doug Gillan, “El Guerrouj: The Greatest of All Time,” IAFF, November 15, 2004,

they differ significantly in height: Heights and weights for Michael Phelps and Hicham El Guerrouj were pulled from their athlete profiles during the 2008 Summer Olympics. “Michael Phelps,” ESPN, 2008,; “Hicham El Guerrouj,” ESPN, 2008,

same length inseam on their pants: David Epstein, The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance (St. Louis, MO: Turtleback Books, 2014).

average height of Olympic gold medalists in the men’s 1,500-meter run: Alex Hutchinson, “The Incredible Shrinking Marathoner,” Runner’s World, November 12, 2013,

average height of Olympic gold medalists in the men’s 100-meter: Alvin Chang, “Want to Win Olympic Gold? Here’s How Tall You Should Be for Archery, Swimming, and More,” Vox, August 9, 2016,

“Genes can predispose, but they don’t predetermine”: Gabor Maté, “Dr. Gabor Maté—New Paradigms, Ayahuasca, and Redefining Addiction,” The Tim Ferriss Show, February 20, 2018,

Genes have been shown to influence everything: “All traits are heritable” is a bit of an exaggeration, but not by much. Concrete behavioral traits that patently depend on content provided by the home or culture are, of course, not heritable at all; which language you speak, which religion you worship in, which political party you belong to. But behavioral traits that reflect the underlying talents and temperaments are heritable: how proficient with language you are, how religious, how liberal or conservative. General intelligence is heritable, and so are the five major ways in which personality can vary . . . openness to experience, conscientiousness, extroversion-introversion, antagonism-agreeableness, and neuroticism. And traits that are surprisingly specific turn out to be heritable, too, such as dependence on nicotine or alcohol, number of hours of television watched, and likelihood of divorcing. Thomas J. Bouchard, “Genetic Influence on Human Psychological Traits,” Current Directions in Psychological Science 13, no. 4 (2004), doi:10.1111/j.0963–7214.2004.00295.x; Robert Plomin, Nature and Nurture: An Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics (Stamford, CT: Wadsworth, 1996); Robert Plomin, “Why We’re Different,” Edge, June 29, 2016,

There’s a strong genetic component: Daniel Goleman, “Major Personality Study Finds That Traits Are Mostly Inherited,” New York Times, December 2, 1986,

Robert Plomin: Robert Plomin, phone call with the author, August 9, 2016.

more likely to become introverts: Jerome Kagan et al., “Reactivity in Infants: A Cross-National Comparison,” Developmental Psychology 30, no. 3 (1994), doi:10.1037//0012–1649.30.3.342; Michael V. Ellis and Erica S. Robbins, “In Celebration of Nature: A Dialogue with Jerome Kagan,” Journal of Counseling and Development 68, no. 6 (1990), doi:10.1002/j.1556–6676.1990.tb01426.x; Brian R. Little, Me, Myself, and Us: The Science of Personality and the Art of Well-Being (New York: Public Affairs, 2016); Susan Cain, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking (London: Penguin, 2013), 99–100.

People who are high in agreeableness: W. G. Graziano and R. M. Copyright 2016 - 2024